kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


It's Raining on Prom Night

Wednesday night. Sitting here having my usual post-gym cigarette. Would be enjoying a glass of wine as well but since there is none in the house and I am broke, I had to settle for a stray Corona Light that I foraged from the back of the fridge. It�s probably been there for over a month�desperate times call for desperate measures. So here I am, hair freshly highlighted, slathered in self-tanner, trying to convince myself that summer is actually here. Friday afternoon I will board the train to Fire Island for a rainy and cold first weekend in our summer house. Everyone is more than a little bitter. It�s not just that the weather is going to suck to high hell. It�s that the weather has consistently sucked to high hell for months now. I have no real problem with being cooped up in our tiny bungalow with ten of our closest friends playing board games and starting cocktail hour ridiculously early because there�s nothing better to do, but C. is much more resentful about it all. I just see it as a welcome extra week to coax my body into bikini readiness. It�s a gift from God really. Soooo�obsessive body thoughts and dismal weather aside, all is well in Kiwiland.

Boy Corona Light sucks. Not even a lime to liven it up. There was a fuzzy green mass in the vegetable bin, it may have once been a lime, but that was long ago

C.�s softball game was cancelled tonight due to downpours and general sogginess. This only means that I won�t be able to eat frozen yogurt for dinner and watch the Bachelor. Sad state of affairs. But I will prevail.

Is it strange that C. enjoys the Bachelor almost as much as I do? Yes. I think so. But I�m not complaining. I got to watch the whole episode with nary a grunt of disapproval from his direction. Heaven.

9:15 a.m. - 2003-05-22


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