kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Life as I know it

Friday night. 8:15 PM�the witching hour. But I am feeling oddly at peace. Well, okay, �peace� is a little bit strong of a word. I feel okay. And the reasons are plentiful�

1. The phone call. It always comes. It always comes when you least expect it. After you�ve stopped praying to the Gods of AT&T and Sprint and maniacally checking your voice mail every two seconds. Last night I met my friend Tal after work at a gallery opening. Then we then did the typical Thursday night Manhattan Mambo�hitting several bars/clubs to find a spot that wasn�t packed full of Britney Spears look-a-likes jostling for a square foot of standing room. We met up with Rocco at Chazal (to Euro-trash), we went to Suite 16 (too crowded), and then we ended up at Rocco�s table at Sessa. In between the shuffle I fielded phone calls from boss-man who wanted me to come over and crash when I was done. So when I came out of Suite 16 and saw a missed call from a blocked number I figured it was him. Played back my messages and heard the familiar sound of C.�s drunken voice�nearly dropped my phone. His message was some jumble of disbelief at my not returning his email and sorrow. He left a number for me to call him back. In all the shock and the bustle of climbing into a friend�s car I could barely understand it. I meant to save the message for further analysis but Tal was screaming at me to hang up the phone and I was dropping my shit on the street and I hit delete instead of save. Probably for the best. Not that I would have called him back anyway. I feel like I got the last word. I feel like I won a tiny little battle. And I�ll take it. I�ll take that small victory. Just knowing that he is suffering in some small way warms my heart. Sick. Sick. Sick. I know.

2. Spent today at the dotcomedy and then at Bergdorf�s with Tal buying him a suit. There is great joy in dropping $1,500 of someone else�s money. Had soup with Tal at the Bergdorf caf�. Cuddled up next to him in our banquet seats. Ahhh�the beauty of a male friend. All the cuddling, none of the guilt.

3. I had plans to have dinner with a group of girlfriends, but one by one they dropped out and just minutes ago I was cursing everyone�s name. I had turned down offers from boss-man, the male model and Patrick to hang with the girls and now here it is, Friday night and I�m all dressed up (well, as dressed up as I ever get) with no place to go. I made love to my phone for a few minutes and found a girlfriend who lives around the block who was dying of hunger�so it�s to Ruby Foo�s we go for a little dinner and a tasty cocktail. Gotta love New York. There�s always someone to hang with. And then later there�s the chance of some serious girl talk with my best friend and her sister who will be fresh of the plane from Prague full of stories. And even later I may stop by and see Patrick DJ�ing and even later still, I am supposed to head over to boss-mans. The possiblilities are endless.

4. Spoke with my future roommate today via instant messenger. She�s in Norway with her family but it looks as though the ousting of her evil ex-roommate will be official by the first and we�re all set in our new pad�luxury digs on E. 8th and Ave. D. My fantasies about a pink room with all my belongings in one place may really come to fruition�now if I could just figure out a way to pay the stupid rent. Ahhh�reality, it�s a bitch. Meanwhile back in fantasy land, we are planning a trip to her Uncle�s house in the South of France for the spring. Mmmmm�fantasy land is such a better place to live.

5. I think I�m heading to Miami for a few days the first week of January. Ahhhh. Sunshine. Sunshine and room service, tennis lessons, spa services and the yummy bedding at the Ritz. Not so bad for a gal with $69.50 in her bank account. How did I swing this one? Better you don�t ask.

Saturday�woke up this morning at boss-man�s. Fresh squeezed orange juice, delicious European coffee, lounging in his bed while he was puttering around downstairs listening to NPR. The sun shone in feeling like a brand new day on my naked skin. Oof. This could be trouble.

Back on the Upper West I over-packed for my trip to Vermont. Every long john shirt I own, lots of undershirts, jeans, wool socks and a sexy little slip dress. Hey, you never know�I may have cause to wear that slip dress. Right. Mom has stocked up on wine and cheese. I�m ready to fly the coop first thing in the morning. Home again, home again�jiggity jig. Must remember to pack shoes. Must remember to bring lots of cortizone for the inevitable hive break outs. Must remember to pack cell phone charger. Must remember not to miss boss-man. What the hell is happening here?! Surely a good healthy dose of the male model will wash all ridiculousness out of my system. At least that�s what I�m hoping. Still�a quick perusal of boss-man�s stack of bedside reading this morning revealed several real books, the fiction issue of the New Yorker, a copy of Conde Naste Travel, a luxury hotel guide. Ahhhh, a man who reads�what a concept.

Okay, time to finish packing�time to get gussied up for my last night of hostessing at the restaurant.

La di da. La di da.

3:07 p.m. - 2002-12-21


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