kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Dotcomedy Part III (or is it four?)

I am at the dotcomedy today. You know that scene in Godfather III where Al Pacino rants, �Just when you think you�re out they pull you back in�� Well, here you have it folks. It�s not exactly like I have to go out and whack anyone, but sometimes writing a trend report can feel like murder. Boss-woman is in LA for the next week, undoubtedly dropping the equivalent of what should have been my salary at Fred Segal. But hey, at least I had a reason to get out of bed today, and that is something I�m feeling pretty grateful for.

So I�m sitting here wearing a funny looking hat that makes my head resemble a mushroom in both color and shape. I have already read every magazine in the office and browsed through a bunch of teen self-esteem building books (i.e. Girlwise: How to Be Confident, Capable, Cool and in Control). Shit. Show me a teen that has that down and I�ll kiss her fecking feet. I mean that�s an awful lot to ask isn�t it? I�d take one out of four and be happy as shite.

The weekend has arrived, which means I will have to struggle between the part of me that wants to sit home in my PJs and eat Skinny Cow frozen yogurt sandwiches, and the part of me that wants to dance on table tops until 4 in the morning. If there was only a way I could combine the two�maybe dancing on tables in my PJs with a Skinny Cow in one hand and a Grey Goose and soda in the other?

La di da. La di da.

4:18 p.m. - 2002-11-08


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