kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


The Morning After

Oof. I think the little pills I�m taking to help me sleep (Can you imagine? I�m just a little stressed and not sleeping well), are finally catching up with me. Couldn�t drag my ass out of bed this morning until almost 11. Now 11 isn�t really such a late hour, especially for us leagues of unemployed who could simply sleep all day if we so desired. But I usually get up with C. when he leaves for work. That way I feel like a productive human being. Problem is, we were out of milk so I had to leave the house in order to get my coffee (I can�t justify delivery for a one-dollar cup o� joe). Seeing that my coffee wasn�t right there within stumbling distance, that I would actually have to put on some sort of clothing that didn�t too obviously resemble pajamas in order to get my caffeine fix, well I just couldn�t be bothered. Oh, and of course I had to drink red wine last which always makes me ill and then the aforementioned sleeping vitamin, and well I don�t feel so hot this morning. Danger! Danger! Starting to feel very Valley of the Dolls here. This could be trouble. I can see my life slowly becoming a bad 1970�s drama in which C. comes home from work and I�m all hopped up on pills, drinking wine from the bottle, dressed in my pastel colored chiffon nightgown with big hair and loads of eyeliner. I�m kidding of course�I would never wear a chiffon nightgown.

La di da. La di da.

12:01 p.m. - 2002-11-01


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