kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Moving on up...

Dare I say it? I think I may well be on the road to recovery. In fact, I was feeling so good yesterday that I had to go out last night and drink four (or was it five?) citron and sodas and smoke as many cigarettes. Wouldn�t want to feel too healthy now would I?

Interesting fact�running while hung over and with cigarette residue in one�s lungs in 80 plus degree heat feel similar to running while deathly ill.

Big news is this�

We�re moving on up�to the East side�to a deluxe apartment in the sky�

Okay, scratch the last line and the rest is true. C. and I are moving to the one neighborhood in Manhattan that I swore I would NEVER EVER in a gadzillion years reside. The Upper East. Home of�what? I don�t even know. Other than monthly excursions to East 77th between 2cnd and 3rd to visit my hairdresser, a yearly stop at The Met, and an infrequent dinner at Blue Grotto I have no idea what is up there. Having recently read The Nanny Diaries I am prepared to share the street with baby strollers wielded by their embittered caregivers and Social X-ray type women teetering about in their Manolo�s. But let�s face it, beggars can�t be choosers and we found that holy grail that every Manhattanite is constantly seeking�a super cheap apartment! A friend�s Aunt is moving to Greece for two years and has blessed us with the use of her first floor walk up with super high ceilings and one real bedroom in which you can actually fit a king size bed, an armoire, a desk, a chair and (gasp!) even a dresser. The wonders never cease. There is even a real kitchen with two paned glass French doors leading to it. Yes, it is the size of someone in the Midwest�s closet�but it�s a separate room for chrissakes! Needless to say we�re packing it all in and trekking across town faster than you can say �rent control�.

That�s it for now. I have four glossy new fashion magazines their spines not even cracked screaming my name.

La di da. La di da.

3:52 p.m. - 2002-07-19


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