kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Blow Outs and Blow Ups

I am waiting for the boyfriend to come home so we can get in a fight.

Well, not really a fight. I don�t want to fight. I just want to be cold and off-ish and let him figure out for himself what a selfish prick he is.

Isn�t that nice of me?

It�s not even worth writing about.

It�s boring even to me and it�s my life.

Had a relatively good weekend with best friend. Friday night best friend and I went to my absolute favorite restaurant Il Bagatto with the boyfriend (before I thought he was a selfish prick) and then on to Sway to dance to cheesy 80�s music. Yesterday we went to the beach and BBQ�ed our flesh, then went and saw that Ya-Ya movie which basically sucked. But since I�m premenstrual and mad at the boyfriend it was fine. My advice for others? Just read the book. You�ll be glad you did. They are also making a movie out of White Oleander which stars Michelle Pfeiffer and some young girl with hair that looks like a wig as her daughter. The movie looks dreadful. Again, just read the book. You�ll be glad you did.

Other than that I spent today writing a piece about hair extensions and all day on Thursday at Warren Tricomi Salon watching hair extensions be applied. Is that the correct terminology? �Applied� Other people�s hair �bonded� onto your head. Ick. But the results do look amazing in a Shakira/Britney Spears sort of way. It was fun to spend the day at the salon and see Edward Tricomi work his magic on lots of society women with incredibly blonde hair. He reminds me of Edward Scissorhands when he works. Seriously though, I was impressed with his work. And just an FYI for anyone NYC dwellers�Thursday mornings starting at 8:30 Warren Tricomi has a �blowout class� and you can get your hair blown out for free (with a tip for the stylist of course). I went running, went to the beach all day Friday, danced my sweaty ass off Friday night, took a body sculpting class and went to the beach again on Saturday and my hair still looked great. They don�t mess around when wielding the blow dryer ladies!

Okay. I�m back to being mad. Waiting for boyfriend to get home.

I wish I had a dog.

La di da. La di da.

6:46 p.m. - 2002-06-23


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