kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Did you know?

Did you know that a porcupine will follow a trail of Tums because it�s desperate for the calcium?

You see, the porcupine probably doesn�t even like Tums. I mean, who does really? They are chalky and unpleasant; if you leave them too long they get a soggy consistency. But sometimes you really just need a Tums. Usually after a hard night out or too much Mexican food.

I have a point here.


But I�m just not sure what it is. Something about relationships and our desperate need for them even though a lot of the time they aren�t that pleasant. They are the result of some irresponsible act of overindulgence and afterwards they leave a bad taste in our mouths.


Yes. Oh yes. I�m still in love. But a lot of the time I feel like C. and I are just two people who know far too much about each other, who share an apartment and bump into each other on the way to the bathroom or the fridge.

Feck that�s depressing.

I think that thing called a �biological clock� is ticking. Not that I really want a baby. They�re cute and all but I�ll pass for now. What I really want is a dog. I want a dog and I want to know if C. and I are going to get married someday or if we�re going to continue to bump into each other until we wake up one day and wonder who that alien is blocking our path to the toilet.

6:45 p.m. - 2002-06-17


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