kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


There are 48 Units in a Day

Not that this should be on the top of my worries list, but I thought I�d mention it anyway. Last Tuesday, or shall we say �D-Day� the day I was �let go�, I had the foresight to go to the gyno for my yearly check up. Actually, it wasn�t really foresight. I just lucked out with timing, as I will soon be uninsured again and therefore subject to all kinds of freak accidents and medical maladies that never strike when one is actually covered by insurance. Yeah, yeah, Cobra. I know. I know. Coughing up the $250 a month is going to be painful though. Any-hoo�it being Tuesday I had just gotten my weekly issue of New York Magazine in the mailbox and they�re on the cover �Baby Panic�! Eegads. What with everything else I�d simply forgotten that I only have another five years before my eggs are officially old news. And I�m sitting in the gyno�s office of all places reading this garbage. To add insult to injury, when one enters the doctor�s office the woman who are preggers get the luxury of staying on the ground floor in a cushy little waiting room where all the good periodicals are. Us poor unfortunates seeking birth control and vaginal swabbing have to venture downstairs to the basement where the only reading material is�you guessed it�more copies of New York Magazine telling us to get on the ball because we are ticking time bombs and we don�t have much time left. Geez.

Oh. And I also became an Aunt this Thursday. Yes it�s true. My brother who is ridiculously younger than I am has brought another being into this world. Silas James�weighing in at a whopping 9 pounds, which is simply unfathomable to me. When C. and I venture to Vermont the weekend after next I will see this little creature that I�m sure I will want to dress up in all sorts of ridiculous outfits and spoil to death. Then again, after the weekend I get to go home and sleep through the night. My brother no longer has that option.

I think I need a pet.

Maybe I should just take up embroidery.

Weather in NYC is still pretty frightful. Cold. Cold. Cold. I can�t believe that this coming weekend is Memorial Day�the official kick-off of summer.

This weekend went by in a blur�saw �About A Boy� on Friday night, which was simply charming. Toni Colette was amazing and Hugh Grant�what can I say? He�s a lovely cad. Saturday I went to a surprise B-Day at Churrascaria Plataforma where they carve huge sides of meat onto your plate straight from the skewer. Not exactly the place for an almost-vegetarian but the caiparinhas are delish. Now it�s Monday and I�m trying to get used to not having to go to work. As Hugh does in �About A Boy� I try to divide my day into half-hour units making it much less scary. Morning coffee=1 unit, Freelance work=4 units, Run in park=2 units, Lunch=1 unit, Puttering about cleaning house=2 units, Reading International fashion mags at Barnes & Noble=3 units, Gym=2 units, Watching �To Live and Date In New York�=2 units.

Very scary. I know.

La di da. La di da.

7:44 p.m. - 2002-05-20


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