kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


You're A Mean One Mr. Grinch

New York, nearing Christmas. I stopped on the way home and bought a lot of branches and twigs n� such to suffice for a tree. Fifty dollars later I have created two vases full of stuff that my mom could pick out of her back yard. Martha Stewart I�m not � but it looks mildly festive in the apartment. I spent last night putting together tiny Chinese lanterns to string over the mantle. Now if I could just get into the holiday spirit. I think I�m finally experiencing that phenomenon that all adults realize. When the holidays become more of a chore than a joy. The �to do� lists double during the holiday season and it becomes even harder to live like a �normal person� � to make it to the gym, get decent sleep, and not eat yourself into a sugar coma (or drink yourself into the Betty Ford clinic). And on top of all this there are far too many occasions where you�re expected to look exceptionally fabulous. This is not the season for obsessive perfectionists. (Then again, I didn�t make an Excel sheet Christmas list like some people I know � Nicks you shame us all)!

Okay, I meant to say more but C. just got home and I have around fifteen minutes to snuggle the hell out of him before I pass out from exhaustion. I'll be back tomorrow to tell exciting tales of our two hour shopping excursion at Tiffanys where I tranformed into a green-hairy beast (a la Grinch), and about our night out with the the NY Rangers, and about how I ate enough pasta on Sunday night to appease all of Sicily and then had a food hangover all day today (complete with puffy eyes and nausea), and about how I spent hours wrapping Gio Ponti books for magazine editors today at work (ahhh, the glamour).

Ho. Ho. Ho.

9:18 p.m. - 2001-12-17


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