kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


You're the one that I want baby, ooh, ooh, ooh honey ...

The Miami sun must have baked my brain because here it is Thursday and I can�t figure out where the week has gone. The holi-daze has hit full bore and not even the caramel cappuccino I just downed at breakneck speed is managing to rev me up. Last night was my new office�s holiday party at a little retro lounge in Chelsea. C. came as the ever-supportive �significant other� and managed to get everyone in the office to fall in love with him. So now I�m not the �new girl in marketing� but rather the �new girl in marketing with the really nice boyfriend�. Tonight I�m meeting ex-dotcomedy-boss at Ruby Foo�s for a drink. Will try to appear extremely on top of things. Kind of like when you run into an ex-boyfriend and you try and look as though your entire world has not fallen apart since he ripped your heart out with his bare hands. Speaking of which, got an email from Patrick yesterday. As blissfully happy as I am in my current very in love situation, it still manages to diddle my heartstrings a bit. Go figure. He says he misses my face �, which is probably the only thing he misses. I told him that if he started to miss me too much he should just close his eyes real tight and imagine I was there with a really ugly angry, hurt look on my face pressuring him to do all kinds of things he didn�t want to do � like communicate and commit and generally act like a grown up. Apparently he is taking off for two months (I guess if you haven�t been working for the past eight months �taking off� isn�t really the correct terminology � but any-hoo �). He is going to motorcycle around Brazil or something. Bully for him. I see his inability to commit is still intact. But I�m not bitter. Really. Truly. Last weekend C. and I tore up the dance floor at the wedding doing our version of John Travolta and Olivia Newton John�s �You�re The One That I Want� from Grease. It�s not every day you meet a man so brazenly (and enthusiastically) willing to make a complete ass of himself in your company. In my opinion this makes him a definite keeper. Plus, entire marriages have been founded on less than a mutual appreciation for the movie Grease. Miami was great. Aside from the usual wedding party drunkenness, very relaxing and sunny.

Tomorrow night is C�s company holiday party, then two (or is it three) holiday party invites Saturday night. In fact, we have plans every night next week but Friday. I ask you � does anyone actually work during the holiday season?! But I will plow through with the help of Ginseng tablets, chocolate covered coffee beans, and morning gym visits (because really, who doesn�t want to get up at 5:30 in the morning to hit the gym after a night out before a day at the office? Silly rabbits. We�re getting our tree and going Christmas shopping on Saturday � I�m ready to deck the halls.

Fa la la la la � La La La � Laaaaaaaaaaaaah!

7:32 p.m. - 2001-12-13


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