kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


The never ending search for love and housing

Well, let's see. This weekend here is what happened:

1. Friday night was a rather dull evening in which Kiwi had the misfortune of thinking that she could have "just a puff" of pot and feel fine. WRONG. Kiwi and pot do not mix. They are NOT friends. I sat there feeling helpless and generally miserable. I kept asking Deanna when it would be over. Then I thought I was going to puke. Then I found a few stray Mentos in the bottom of my purse and was blissfully happy for around ten seconds. Then I was miserable again. So Deanna took me for a walk. This was very good once she convinced me that I could indeed walk (I was convinced the opposite). Walk was good. Gathered my brains. Decided that this should NEVER occur again. I cannot handle getting high. I do not understand how people can smoke such mass quantities of pot and remain human. Oh well... to each their own I suppose. But I will stick to cigarettes, coffee, booze, and ripped fuel thanks very much.

2. Saturday I slept in, then was stuck in a frantic race to get my nails done and get to Grand Central to pick up Hetty and Christy, then to Brooklyn to change clothes (my apartment is now officially just a very, very expensive closet - I have slept there twice in the past month), then back to the city to meet friends for dinner, then to Lizzie's Birthday party. Whew. Great to see the girls although I made myself crazy trying to make sure everything was okay with everyone. Felt like some kind of smothering mother, fluttering all around them talking a mile a minute "Are you happy? Comfortable? Hungry? Full? Sad? Mad? Cold? Hot?... Is there anything I can do?!!?" Ugh. So obnoxious. I always want Christy to relax and be herself and have fun so I end up giving myself a heart attack. Not very productive I will be the first to admit. Any-hoo, we went to 7A for dinner -they have vegan food so Hetty was happy and they have great, spicy bloody marys and you can smoke so Deanna and I were happy. Then we went to Lizzie's Birthday thing at MusicBox. The Birthday girl was late and a good friend of ours stold her fire by announcing to Deanna and I that he was gay. At around midnight Patrick left to go see a friend's band at Arlene's Grocery. I took the girls home to put them in bed. Leaving the bar the strap on my high strappy sandals sprung. I ended up chasing a cab on Avenue B with one shoe on and the other under my arm. Hetty and Christy thought this was very funny. Even funnier - somewhere in the West Village Deanna toppled down some stairs (she had left to go to a rooftop party) and broke her shoe ... an inter-galactic connection? Or is summer finally over and it is time to retire the mile high sandals? Put Hetty and Christy in bed, changed shoes and went to Arlene's Grocery.

3. Sunday. Funk. Woke up WAY too early. The phone rang at 9:23am. Hetty and Christy were up and ready for brunch. Brunch?!!? Oh yuck. I crawled out of bed moaning to Patrick that this wasn't human. He wasn't very sympathetic (well, he was fast asleep). Had brunch, went back to Patrick's and back to bed until 1:30. Woke up, had more coffee, read the paper, got all funky and mean feeling. Patrick sent me home to go for a run and cheer the fuck up. Sunday night Deanna and I watched Sex and the City, then went to see Patrick DJ. He had said he was going to play a song for me and that I would know it was for me right away. So we settle down and order glasses of wine. After awhile I hear Al Green singing "Love and Happiness". Oh sigh, swoon. He is just too perfect. We leave at around 11pm when some drunken gay man starts complementing us on our purses and offering to buy us drinks. Then he complements me on my boyfriend "Girl he is too fine". Um, yeah, thanks - gotta run. Leave. Let Patrick deal with this one.

4. Monday night. First fight. Patrick makes me dinner and we plan on getting all cozy and celebrating our one month (ages in Kiwi's romantic calendar) anniversary at midnight. Instead I get a case of the red wine evils and end up getting all sour and bitter about Patrick's ex-girlfriend (Jealous much? Insecure much?). Not very attractive. Really in the grand scheme of things it wasn't that big of a fight. But it made me/us realize that things wouldn't always be so romantic and sweet and easy going. Besides, we had just spent our first weekend in the city after being away for every weekend of our short lived relationship. Not that it was bad, it was just reality (you know - laundry, expensive cocktails, etcetera). But I love him, yes I do. Which sometimes makes things harder. Caring about another person always throws a wrench in one's self-centered little life plans. Sigh.

... so now it is Wednesday. I haven't been home in over a week. The new roommate is in and out. She is going through the apartment with a fine tooth comb cleaning the tiles with a toothbrush or whatever. The place is empty and depressing. Searching for a place to call home - AGAIN. My perpetual dilemma. I am on a new diet and exercise regiment. Being in love does not make it okay to scarf down platefuls of pasta (ugh).

14:21:07 - 2000-09-20


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