kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Finding Mr. Right

He loves me! He loves me!

Sitting on the fire escape with Deanna last night having a cigarette and she says to me - "It's true isn't it? That you just KNOW when you meet the right person?"

Well yeah, I guess so. I mean, that feeling could always be wrong I suppose. But if you've never felt it before it is pretty amazing and scary and kind of overwhelming and nauseating and exciting. And half the time my stomach is all twisted up or I feel like dancing around in circles. I wake up sometimes and I've got my heart doing the samba in my chest and I feel all giddy and queesy and I'm not sure if I am hung over or need to take some Rolaids or something. And being this happy ... well, when I'm not waiting for the other shoe to drop let's just say it feels really good.

So yeah, I love him too. Madly. It's pretty cool.

18:52:22 - 2000-09-15


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