kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Story of a dress

Today I went shopping for a t-shirt and ended up spending my last $30 on a vintage seventies style disco queen dress. Went out with the best intentions ... but then again, I could have easily spent $30 or more on a t-shirt, and it isn't nearly as fun. I ran in to the dress innocently, it found me. All I wanted was a little vintage tee, but I was searching to no avail. There were no airbrushed, silkscreened tees to be had. Every fecking slave to trendiness had already scoured Screaming Mimis and everywhere else. It was fate. Meant to be. It hung there and I glanced away, brushed it ever so lightly with my fingers. Oh no Kiwi I thought, it is probably ridiculously expensive, it is probably too small. But then, ever so meekly I asked the salesperson the dreaded question - "How much". And through some freak of Fairy Godmother-ish nature there is the tiniest, faintest little discoloration along a seam and it is reduced to $30. And I have just taken my last $40 out of the bank. And I think, oh no, it won't fit. But it does. Like a second skin, and I am fingering those two sweaty twenties in my pocket. So tonight I am going to a 30th Bday party (yes, we are all going down like a fast sinking ship) and I will wear my golden, flesh colored, Charlie's Angels dress with my big fat gold hoops and strappy high heeled sandals. So I had to eat a fat free fig newton and mooch bites of Tricia's falafel for lunch (thank God tomorrow is payday). Just as well ... the dress doesn't leave room for much else.

16:20:07 - 2000-09-13


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