kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Love feels like indigestion

Although it may appear that I have fallen off the face of the earth, I have merely fallen in love. Well, if only it were that simple. It is true, I have fallen in love. Seems to be in the air, maybe it is the impending Fall season, we are seeking a little extra warmth. Although I can't speak for Nicks, seems that she is feeling some powerful stuff (fun aint it my dear?). Heh. Spent the weekend in Fire Island again. Lovely. Took Monday off to enjoy the last sighs of summer. Hard to drag one's ass to work after three days of sun, sand, ocean, cuddling, kissing, cocktail hours, reading books, and not much else. Painful really. Woke up this morning dreading having to put on real clothes, trudge to the subway while trying not to spill coffee all over myself. And work ... eegads, is this REALLY necessary?!!? Well, I suppose so. But really - yuck.

So here it is almost 8pm and I am still sitting here at my desk, I should be doing many things but my stomach is all twisted up and I am tired. I am trying to talk myself in to going to the gym. But I am PMSing hardcore and I have cramps and all I want to do is cry (for no good reason).

I can't help but think that something big is just around the corner. I am not sure what this could be - it is probably just my approaching departure from the "twenty-something" years. I plan to go out with a bang, and I am excited by everything that awaits me. Of course, it is probably just more of the same only my ass will be a bit saggier and people can start telling me to "act my age". And when I look admiringly at babies it won't seem so silly.

So with that saggy ass comment I am off to the gym for a quick run before I go home and collapse. More to come tomorrow ... I am trying to bring myself back to the world of the living after a nice little respite.

20:41:54 - 2000-09-12


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