kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Day 3, It only gets better (or worse), depending on your opinion

once upon a time, in a land so close, yet so far, far, away there was a happy lil' whiteboy named Patrick. You make me smile.

Heh. An email I received this very morning. Friday. Up until 3am talking, talking, talking ... I am making my self sick walking around with this perma-grin. And I wonder, am I insane? (well ... yes, we all knew that). And more importantly, is he feeling as insane as I am? I am so very happy. I cannot wait to be on that train to Fire Island. I never knew someone could look so amazing in hospital scrub pants and nothing else.

Day 3 of this whirlwind ... and things keep getting better. Can't say anything else that isn't sickening.

In other news ... I saw Loose last night. I think it was really good for both of us. We cleared out some of the yucky cobwebs that were fogging up our relationship. It was nice to see her. As dear Nicks says ... the walls are crumbling down around her at the THE publishing house. On a selfish note, I am so glad i left ... I feel like my life began the day I walked out of that office. Not that I'm not grateful for the friends I made while there. Three cheers for Loose, Nicks, Kicks, Candi ... rah, rah, rah.

And speaking of Nicks. Oh sweet thang. Your diary made me sad. You are just bored. Wait until school starts. Wait for the days when you WISH you had nothing better to do other than argue with your Dad about wheat bread ... the grass, my dear, is always greener. You HATED NY. It stifled your beautiful self, and while we miss you terribly, we are so happy you are where you are. And of course, I can't wait to come visit you when you have your first show and go to your NEW favorite restaurant and drink MORE red wine and laugh, and laugh, and laugh ...

Ugh. Must go. Feeling v. sleepy and have to do work before I escape on my romantic tryst. For all of you eagerly awaiting news on this man that has thrown ol' Kiwi for a loop ... it will come my children. It will come.


13:38:22 - 2000-08-25


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