kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Reality Bites

Good things do not always come to those who wait. I wait four months (practically a lifetime in Kiwi and dog years) for this guy to notice me. Then it happens. And now if he tosses me one more sly glance or makes up another lame excuse to talk to me I am going to scream. Not because I don't enjoy the attention (oh please could never get that by on this audience), but because I think I will be doomed to a lifetime of stupid glances and flirtations - all leading nowhere. He has not asked me to do anything outside of the office environs (not a drink, not lunch, nuthin'). I am not terribly dense here, he obviously doesn't want to pursue this - right? My pride keeps telling me it is because he is shy, or doesn't want to cause any office rumors. The gossip mill here is nightmarish. But really - let's have a reality break here. It aint happening. Boo-hoo for me. So I must move on. I want to rip my hair out with frustration - but really, you can't win them all right?

So, onward and upward (or whatever).

The Mets game was boring. It was fun for the first half-hour. Nice night, big stadium, fun people watching, etcetera. But G-damn is baseball SLOW. The players aren't even cute, so no eye candy there. The crowd watching is amusing. Got hit on by possibly the most disgusting creature on the face of the earth while Investment Banker was in the "washroom". Big fat, sweaty, mullet wearing type. Drunk. Drunk. Drunk.

"Did I see you at the beach last weekend?"

"Um ... I think not."

"Whatcha doin after the game?"

"Probably hanging out with my date."

"Oh is your date gonna hit a home run?" snarf, gargle, ha-ha.


Busy rest of the week ahead of me. Going for the cheapie mani /pedi tonight with Deanna and then home to bed and to nurse my bruised ego pseudo-broken heart. Life is not fair ... Life is not fair ... Life is not fair. A few last moments of blissful sleep before the weekend onslaught (which of course starts tomorrow night Thursday is a weekend night isn't it?!!?) Well, it should be G-damn it.


18:55:57 - 2000-06-21


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