kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary



Let's see ... what is new and exciting since we last spoke ...

1. Dad's in love and terrified. Oh please, cry me a river, welcome to my world. My heart goes out to them though, this whole dating thing is not for the faint of heart.

2. Adam is out and I have immersed myself in quite a mess. Cannot go in to it, because if I do, I may have to shoot myself. Suffice to say, I am in trouble (or at least my heart is). This isn't bad trouble, it is really quite enjoyable. But from the bits and pieces I can recall I believe I snogged a co-worker (the cantaloupe boy) for a good two hours on the street at around 3AM as he escorted me home from the Leather Lounge party on Thursday night. Now I am sitting here, Ms. Prim and Proper, trying not to run back there and rip his clothes off (not exactly appropriate office decorum). Must sit on my hands and try and get some work done. More on this later, as soon as my stomach stops churning.

3. The Investment Banker and I are very relaxed now that our affair isn't so clandestine. He is a peach really, a keeper. Went to dinner with him, his roomate and Deanna last night. Margaritas - ah.

4. Deanna was mugged on Friday night. Ah, New York. Luckily both she and her little sister are fine minus a few leg scrapes that Deanna contracted chasing her assailant down the street while her sister screamed "That's not his purse! That's not his purse!". Oh yes, the fashionable muggers all carry Kate Spade bags.

5. Connecticut was nice. Good to see the girls. We fought incessantly (as all sisters do) but it was v. relaxing overall. I burned my butt at the beach to a nice lobster red toasty color.

6. I had decided to quit smoking. But I haven't been succesful so far. I was supposed to train for a run at the end of August (10 hilly miles). I am not seeing this happening.

7. I am moving back to Park Slope. Three cheers for gentrification! Rah, rah, rah.

8. Gym tonight. We challenged two male co-workers to Nazi woman's toning class. I was going to try and be impressive, now I am just going to try and get through it without passing out.

9. Mets game tomorrow. Yeech. But I guess it's free.

... more later, must try and work now.

14:40:03 - 2000-06-19


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