kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Squares and Triangles

I am sick, sick SICK I say! I know that it is my own fault that I end up in all these stressful situations. I also know that I thrive on them (sometimes). Still, I am sitting here with my stomach doing back flips and the mambo and all sorts of other things that are entirely unpleasant.

1. I forgot my father's Birthday. I am famous for doing this. My mother even gave me a Birthday book years ago with all these important things written in it - but unless I have this book tattooed to my backside it does no good. Maybe it is because I am so SUPERFICIAL. Oh Christ. What can you expect from a girl who gets the month wrong (as so many have been kind enough to point out). Yes, it is June, not July - I know this now. I will never forget. Bad daughter. Bad daughter. At least Dad is distracted by the fast approaching arrival of his cyber-sweetie. The whole idea of falling in love with one's high school prom date is mind boggling to me. Of course - it wasn't too too long ago that I ended up in a very fancy hotel room with my very own prom date. Weddings do that to people (this is my excuse and I will stand by it damn-it). The thought of someone who has seen you naked at 17 years old seeing you naked AGAIN many years later is horrifying to me. But then again, back when Dad went to the prom nudity may not have been part of the evenings planned events. Oh how times change.

2. Going out with Investment Banker tonight. I should be shot. I should be tied up and tossed in to a vat of bad, cheap wine. Although Adam says this is fine with him (which I think is pathetic really) I am not fine with it myself. I know guys have been doing this sort of thing forever and really I should feel like some kind of liberated woman warrior. But alas, I do not. Maybe it is because my two worlds are colliding - another party Saturday night in which the possibility of a nice, messy triangle thing may happen. No! It is not even a triangle - I am not good with geometry so forgive me, but I believe we really have a square because we also toss in a co-worker of mine who has had intimate relations with the very same Investment Banker. Oh joy. I may have to go back to drinking martinis on Saturday night. I may have to down straight vodka. Tonight the B Bar for drinks in the garden. The B Bar home of the beautiful people of whom I am not one of at this very moment. Was not prepared for a date and I am madly rushing over to Deanna's before this event to raid her closet and makeup bag. Balls.

3. Birthday Day at the agency - another whip cream fiasco from Veniero's (home of the chocolate covered cannoli). Why oh why oh why? Shiite.

18:07:45 - 2000-06-07


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