kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Just call me superficial.

There should be a law against Mondays.

Weekend went by without a hitch. Now I am in my typical Monday funk. Fresh from watching the season premier of Sex and the City I am wondering why my life isn't so fabulous. I have a feeling it is a monetary issue. I will not be buying Jimmy Choo's any time soon - and I am just sick about it.

Tuesday ...

Well, Tuesdays aren't much better than Mondays. Especially when it's supposed to be JUNE (you all happy now that I have edited my little calendar brain freeze) (?!!?) and the great weather Gods have decided to really screw with us. All this rain has gotten me in to a terrible snit and judging from donuts entry I am not alone. Oh dear Lord, release us from all of life's little headaches (rent, men, hangovers, bad haircuts, cellulite, bosses, smelly subway cars, cheap pink wine, ...).

This morning I had to buy my (fifth?) five dollar umbrella on the way to work. They seem to run from me, where they go I do not know. I will get to heaven and there waiting for me will be a dumpster filled with once used umbrellas, single socks, and all those receipts I thought I was saving. That is assuming I actually make it to heaven (and this is a pretty unrealistic assumption as we all know).

Had drinks at Time with Loose last night. Monday! What was I thinking? Well, really it had been too long since I had seen her. Wine. My favorite food group. Seems that I have sworn off martinis (except for that one date with the investment banker), my poor fragile stomach can't handle them anymore. Thought the bartender was mildly cute, until I reminded myself of the last bartender dating disaster. Casually mentioned to Loose that I hadn't heard from this disaster in quite some time. He must have finally given up on the idea our reuniting. Hah! Got home last night with a voice mail from none other than that very same bartender (oh, sorry very same ACTOR). Sweet Jesus. Not calling him back.

Adam met us at Time and came home with me. Why I allowed this to happen I do not know. We spent the entire weekend together (this was not a bad thing), but one needs their own space every now and then. He wants commitment. I want to scream. Same old, same old. He has found out about my trysts with the IV, but he is not dealing with it. He has decided I am simply playing hard to get, and that I will come to my senses sooner or later. (Later, most likely). Haven't heard from IV since Saturday - my two worlds came very close to colliding Saturday night when we were all scheduled to go to the same party. Oh, what fun! But luckily IV was called out of town on business at the last minute. The Gods were smiling down upon me.

Weekend was good. Dinner on Friday at Home. V. nice except for one harrowing moment where it looked as if a fellow diner had been speared in the head with a metal pole from the awning. False alarm, probably just trying to finagle free appetizers.

Saturday we went to a Birthday party for a friend of Adam's. Lot's of people from the agency there, very inbred little group, us advertising folks. Can't seem to escape each other. Met a bunch of Adam's co-workers, drank many free Absolute and tonics (lemon, no lime), danced to some old-school disco, saw Howard Stern (ick), stumbled home to eat baked Tostitos and salsa (can you say heartburn?). It turns out one of Adam's partners at work (this mousy little thing we'll call C.) said to Adam on Monday that I seemed "nice" and "Superficial like all the girls you (Adam) date". How pleasant of her. I of course fumed about this for a good hour last night. Because what had I ever done to her to have her say such a thing (even if it may be somewhat true?), and I may value some pretty superficial things (shoes, clothes, money, the like) but deep down inside I am anything but. And while she probably came from some nice, wealthy family and grew up all white bread, I am the spawn of no such thing, so how dare she?!!? And it is NOT my fault that she was born mousy and that now she has to be bitter about it forever more. Adam says it is only because she has a crush on him and is jealous (typical guy comment). In a males mind all women want him. Still - she was so nice and I actually LIKED her and it is this kind of catty shit that I just hate, hate, hate about women. So of course I swore to Adam that I would do my best to publicly humiliate her the next time I saw her, to which Adam cringed. Meow. Needless to say, Adam didn't get lucky last night.

Out to face the rain - it is 6:30 and I am going home to become one with my pajamas and read fashion magazines.

18:55:01 - 2000-06-06


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