kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Budget colonics


Just spent a good twenty minutes running the sort of life and death mission that makes my job oh so glamorous. Searching everywhere for chocolate frozen yogurt, chocolate sorbet, and chocolate chocolate chip ice cream, AND plain, unsweetened ice tea with extra lemon (do you know how HARD it is to find this in NYC?!!?) Running around down Broadway like a chicken with my head cut off in order to please a client with a jones for frozen treats, in the drizzle and cold, cursing under my breath. Ah, this is the life!

Prepping for the big party here tomorrow night, planning my outfit which has taken far too much mind energy. It was sauna, hellish hot all week and today it is freezing, which makes me re-think the attire yet again. I had gotten this turquoise strappy number with polka dots (??!!??) no idea what drove me to this decision. Tried it on in front of the copywriter and he had a look of horror in his eyes. Then we had to spend the next hour discussing WHY he hated the dress - did it make me look fat? Being my major concern. He said the color was all wrong for me, him being no fashion plate, I doubted his decision. Later, during the 50 millionth try on I begrudgingly agreed with him - plus, there is the matter of the polka dots (not really an avenue I need to go down). Decided on a very nice opalescent pearl colored skirt from Banana Republic and some sexy tank top thing, with the fabulous mules I have been craving forever.

Loose has been on a bit of a bender this week and I have been her partner in crime. Monday night it was bloody marys at Phebe's (why I insist on going back to this place time and again I will never know). Tuesday my colon was in such a state of uproar I couldn't keep anything in my system. What to do? Go out again! Went to Time and had wine (much easier on the colon). Copywriter met us - leading to the fashion show of my horrid turquoise dress later in the evening. I was in an especially sour mood. Sat around snarking about how love was a big fat joke being played on us all. Pouted, sulked....acting generally unbearable. Saw a picture of his ex who is the polar opposite of me - tiny, blonde, cute (would probably NEVER be caught dead in an ugly turquoise dress). (See CW, if you ARE reading this - which you shouldn't will be sorely disappointed to hear what I have to say next. Oh, and SHAME ON YOU.) What is happening here? Ms. Thing (that would be me) has realized she might actually (gasp!) like this guy which sends her in to a complete tizzy. He is cute, nice, smart, funny, he has a good job, he is driven, he listens when she talks and actually REMEMBERS things she has said! Oh heavens, it is too good to be true. There must be some fatal flaw, otherwise why would he waste his time with such a muddle of feminine hypocrisy and insecurity? Now comes the point when she stops being "cool" and grows in to a huge pain in the posterior. She (Ms. Thing) cannot handle this "in like" thing and will now do everything within her power to drive away the object of her like. The thought of this like growing like a weed in to something else, and then the possibility that she may feel heartbreak or disappointment is horrifying. So goes the story of my (er...sorry, Ms. Thing's) life. Eh...feck it. I will not even pretend to understand why all this shit happens.

Had Liev siting # 4 last night. Walking to Time with Loose, she starts showering me with blows to the head and arm region. What is this? I think? I stand in the middle of the street going "What? Who? Where?" until I see him directly in front of us, looking divine in a white linen shirt. I start to stutter and giggle uncontrollably. V. sexy I imagine. Loose threatens to chase him down for me, but no, I am a blithering idiot. So, there goes yet another chance at greatness (or at least getting naked with greatness).

13:38:37 - 2000-05-10


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