kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


The life and death of a pair of shoes (part 1)

I am sitting here trying to keep my eyes open by downing yet another ice coffee. Needless to say, my stomach is in turmoil. Have you ever been so tired that it makes you nautious? This is how I feel.

Thursday......the party came off swimmingly. Everyone had a good time, and no one got so drunk they made a fool of themselves. Overall, this can be considered a huge success. My outfit went over well, although you would think I looked like a huge mess every day by the looks of surprise on people's faces - yes, I clean up well. The night before I had braved a torrential downpour in order to find the perfect pair of shoes (which I did). I love the shoes, I would marry them if I could. I could see myself having a seriously committed relationship with these shoes. Then, this weekend I ruined their perfection doing the irish jig with around fifteen rugby players in a tent leaking rain, stomping around amidst water, spilled beer and cigarette butts. Now I have to go have them repaired (oh please god, let this be possible). Back to the party......Copywriter was a good date. He let me flit about schmoozing and entertained himself. Thank god he is in advertising too. When I came back to him he was always willing to look at me adoringly so I felt like a goddess (good boy). We danced up a storm and left relativley early. Stopped on the street to take off my favorite shoes which of course left my feet feeling like ground hamburger meat (the price one pays). to Connecticut for the law school graduation. Got in late, went to this god-awful "pool party" in which the future lawyers were all violently drunk. Guys screaming at each other, girls crying for stupid reasons. We high tailed it out of there, even free booze couldn't get us to stay (it was that bad). Got home and went to bed. Hetty showed up in the middle of the night. Christy had warned me that she had died her hair platinum, but when she came in to my room at 4AM with a head the color of a banana I was a bit taken aback - who was this strange woman crawling in to bed next to me?!!? Got over the shock and slept blissfully (exhausted).

Saturday.....Woke up far too early. As always Christy had waited until last minute to do everything (except clean the house - more on the highly obsessive condition of her domicile later). We woke up at 10AM. The plan was to go tanning, get our nails done and get Christy's graduation dress before we had to be at Brian's award ceromony at 2PM. Yeah right. Christy wasted a good hour obsessivley wiping every surface clean (for the hundredth time). She then made sure all the products in the bathroom were organized in neat rows (by size), that the bathroom and kitchen were swept (again). She would not let me blow dry my hair in the bathroom (you know, where the mirror is). Finally, I threatened to check in to a hotel if she didn't stop OCD'ing all over the place. Piled in to Brians very unlawer-like car with the muffler hanging off, the windows that won't roll down, the orange crayon from the last time it got towed still on the windshield. Had to drive around with the door ajar if we wanted to smoke - which of course at this point I NEEDED to do. Every time we wheeled around a corner I would hold on for dear life, the door swinging open dangerously. This became even more difficult once I had an ice coffee to juggle too. Oh yeah, plus the fact that my stomach was in major turmoil (yet again) and I had spent most of the morning on the toilet. Stumble in to Ann Taylor unshowered and looking desperate. Began to tear the store apart.

Must close this episode be continued....must do some work.

Stay tuned, to find out how I put the snide saleswomen at Ann Taylor in to their place and saved the day by finding a silk shantug celery green outfit for Ms. Christy.

09:04:07 - 2000-05-15


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