kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Beware of the American Psycho

So...this is what I got from American Psycho :

1. Do not date men who work on Wall Street.

2. As a matter of fact, just don't date men at all.

3. Do not go home with a man who tells you he spent last night "returning videos".

4. Don't EVER let your boss tell you what to wear because you are "prettier than that".

5. Do not date a man who uses more products than you do.

6. Do not eat in a restaurant without a "res" EVER!!!!!!

7. Be very suspicious if your "very fine Chardonnay" tastes funny.

8. Don't let any man tell you that tonight you will respond to "Christie".

9. Any man who listens to Whitney Houston is a repressed misogynistic homosexual.

10. Clear raincoats are not a fashion statement you want to see - look out for the axe he is carrying behind his back.

11. And first and foremost.....a man's ideal woman is a "hardbody who has the sense to keep her fucking mouth shut." A woman who will also "...satisfy all your sexual desires without being too slutty about it"., don't walk to the nearest trendy bar, find some designer suit wearing, ex frat boy, ego maniac with an inflated salary, and a deflated brain and .....whip out your business card, if it is nicer than his, it will destroy him. But be careful, he may put a nail gun to your head.

In other news....I am feeling very fat today. Must go to gym and purge my body of all evils. Feeling very tired, must get some sleep sometime soon. I am relativley happy, which is refreshing. I am holding out for an apartment in Manhattan which would make my life so much easier. I find out next Tuesday if it is mine. I live in fear of giving my notice at my other place. So very typical of me, would rather live in a shitty neighborhood and risk life and limb rather than "hurt" my landlord's feelings. ?!!? How did I ever get to be like this? Waiting for life to be done to me rather than doing it myself. Must try to change this. I have nothing else to say - the investment banker never called (see list above - probably a good thing). Tomorrow is Friday (not literally - but in the work week sense). This provides me with one extra day this weekend to put off everything I should be doing. Oh joy.

07:41:24 - 2000-04-19


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