kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


What every grrl should know

click on dating tips

This is very important info for all of us single gals. So far, I am batting a thousand. I could have used this long ago when I was dating:

1. the Stoner: How to enjoy sitting in a dark, smelly room watching the love of your life play nintendo and munch on cheese doodles.

2. the Best friend: How not to kill him when he offers to iron your shirt and rub your feet. (think John Cusack holding up a boom box while it plays "In your eyes".

3. the Out-of-town boyfriend: Combine him with the stoner and the extreme sports boy and you have my life in a nutshell for the last year of my life. Mix in a little committment-phobe, a dash of little boy.....we all know what I am talking about. How to live with your underwear in a suitcase and your heart all over the place.

4. the Artist: How to understand why nothing is more important than his "art".

5. the Punker: How to kiss him without his liberty spike hair poking your eyeballs out.

6. the Extreme Sport Boy: better known as the extreme asshole guy. better known as extreme Dave.

7. the Redneck: Please, I lived in Vermont for years. How to love the smell of cow manure. How to get over the urge to correct his speech at all times.

My question is where is the actor? How to avoid dating someone who is more of a drama queen than yourself.

Word is still out on the musician (god forbid), the goth boy (how to rinse black lipstick out of your pillowcases), the hacker, the rave boy (can't get it up without a good dose of ecstasy), and the president. But I am still young and a long weekend looms before me.........

08:41:33 - 2000-04-19


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