kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


The end (again)

I must now stay away from Phebe�s forever. Yes, the very same Phebe�s that Jon and I reunited in just one short week ago was the scene of our demise last night. I should have known that something was going to go awry when Jon called me at the gym saying he needed a beer and to meet him at Phebe�s instead of at my house. I had worked until 7:30 and then ran on the treadmill, so I was in the mood for a drink as well. So, while being waited on by the very same prepubescent, pierced bartender as last week, we had the relationship discussion. Sat at a table, had dinner, continued the discussion. By the time I was done with my salad and antipasti I was crying. I surprised myself, this was what I wanted anyway, so why the waterworks? The poor waiter kept on hovering by our table, waiting me to stop bawling long enough to clear our plates. Very unpleasant for all involved, even worse when Jon started tearing up. Oh Christ. So, we went home together (!!??!!) don�t ask me why. And he left at 6am. Still have to get my stuff from his house, which will be a fun filled moment. I knew that drawer would be a mistake. All for the best I guess, and if he ever does get his shit together maybe we can try again. Even now, on the heels of the breakup, I realize how unlikely this is. Bad timing. That is what Jon and I have summed the whole thing up as. That way no one is to blame and we can both walk away with our egos somewhat intact. I have been made very aware of human frailties, how sometimes, no matter how hard we try, things just can�t or don�t work out.

Going to see American Psycho tonight. Just what I need, some man cutting up women with a chainsaw to cheer me up and rev up my love of the male species.

Must go back to work. Must try not to eat too many chocolate-malted Easter eggs to make myself feel better. The Voice comes out on line at two today; I will be scouring the ads. If I just had a nice apartment, and a cat, then I wouldn�t need a man. Well, who really NEEDS a man? More like a necessary evil, a distraction to make us appreciate our female friends.

10:20:16 - 2000-04-18


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