kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Yes, it is Monday

Monday. Again. I have just spent the good part of an hour on line looking for an apartment, so now I am thoroughly depressed. Is there no hope for the little people in this world? I was watching Sex In The City last night, crying over why I couldn�t have a cute apartment like all these women (it�s TV right?) They also all wear designer clothes and have tiny asses even though they are always eating lunch together � not founded on reality.

It is pouring rain out and cold. I am dressed for spring of course and am freezing my ta-ta�s off. Must wear big warm fat pants tomorrow. Must dig out the wool socks. This weekend it was rainy but warm. Like being in a steam room, I think I got the equivalent of a good facial.

This weekend�Friday night I spent with Jon. I had a nervous breakdown (eating again). Jon was trying to eat his pasta and butter out of a huge Tupperware bowl, one eye hungrily on his noodles, the other on me. Finally realized I might need some attention, put the noodles down. Patted my back, said something about finding balance or some such bullshit. The whole time he is gazing lustily at his pasta, obviously fearing it would get cold before I calmed down. I mean they do have a thing called microwaves!

Saturday went home and did enough squats and lunges and arm exercises to maim a person. Got dressed, went to meet Nicks for brunch at the Bagel Caf�. They have the BEST house salad dressing � black olive tapenade stuff that I could eat plain with a spoon. Went to Macy�s (they have one in Brooklyn � who knew?). We got lost looking for the ladies room, ended up wandering around the children�s section drowning in pastel Easter dress froth. Went to cosmetics � it is gift time for Lancome. But found nothing I wanted to buy (even with the enticement of the cheesy gift). Nicks bought a ton of stuff, no wonder her skin is so creamy and perfect. She would beg to differ � she has a zit, she told me all about it. Hells bells! Went home, took a nap. Supposed to be a short nap. Snuggled in at 4, woke up at 8! Went to meet Liz at the Library. Was late. Cute bartender was already chatting her up so we got free drinks. Had many vodka tonics. Went searching for friends � found Lansky Lounge, which is very scary. Decided not to brave it. Two men in zoot suits and fedoras were manning the door mumbling "Lansky Lounge" under their breaths to passer by. No signs, nothing. Asked one of the doormen what was going on down there "Booze, people, and a DJ". Oh, okay. We decided to pass. Went to La Linea. Had a kamikazee shot. Decided to go to Bobs and dance (or bob as it were since it would be packed). Willing to risk getting dirty danced into a corner by some Guido. Luckily my friends from work called just as we were preparing to sell our souls to the devil. Met them at Barmacy. DJ was playing all 80�s hits with some disco thrown in. Stayed VERY late, had a good time. Met an investment banker (at least he would pay for dinner). Gave him my number, but he was definitely a player (one with no rhythm I might add). He made a valiant effort to dance, but it was comical. Went home with Liz and slept on the couch of my old apartment (bitter again). Woke up at six am with my ear folded in some weird position and hurting horribly, drank water, went back to sleep until 11:30.

Sunday, had brunch with Liz and Garreth. He paid. Probably still feels guilty for ousting me from my cozy digs. Funny how whenever I mention where I live people cringe and tell me to get out as soon as possible. It would be funny if I didn�t fear death while doing simple things like laundry (which may explain the some 20 loads on my bedroom floor). Having to choose between life and clean undies is really no contest. Spent a good part of the day at Barnes and Noble pretending I could be a writer. Went home, cleaned my bedroom, the bathroom (what ambition)! Ate some soup, watched Sex and the City, went to bed. So here I am. Looking forward to a three-day weekend. Freezing my toes off, dreading the gym. Seeing Jon tonight, (moans from my circle of friends). He really isn�t so bad, if my other options are slick investment bankers. Although, he does have a great apartment from what I hear. I am not beyond using him for his digs (well, I am, but I am getting more and more desperate as the days go by). He (Mr. Slick investment banker guy) is having a party this Saturday; he may call me and give me an invite. May still be mired up in the Jon saga though and will have to say no�..time will tell.

13:54:12 - 2000-04-17


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