kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Raining on my parade.

And the weekend before last�I won�t even bother with this weekend. Sunshine on Friday, 80 degrees then the minute we get to the beach rain. Then more rain. Then (you guessed it) even more rain. Spent one night with the girls drinking bottles of wine and eating pounds of cheese, then hightailed it back to the city and my couch on Saturday afternoon. I don�t really think summer is ever coming. Of course today it�s gorgeous out�and the forecast for this weekend? Yeah. That�s right. Rain.

Okay, here we go again�Liev, Liev my love. Why must I always run in to you when I am wearing sweat pants and my hair is in a knot on top of my head? Really, I clean up quite well�you wouldn�t know it, but it�s true. So yes, there I was at some ungodly hour in the morning, getting my post-gym cup of coffee, when I looked to my right and spotted my sexy/ugly obsession. He was sitting on the bench so close I could smell him, freshly showered, sipping a cup of coffee, smoking a Marlboro (a man after my own heart) and browsing over a script. Did I talk to him? Of course not! Like any self-respecting New Yorker I just pretended I didn�t know who he was and tried to stare at him without seeming too interested or psychotic. This is not an easy task. Once when I was at B-Bar for brunch and Stella McCartney walked in with Liv Tyler and Gwyneth Paltrow I nearly killed myself and got a mind-numbing headache from practicing this �I�m staring but not really, really I�m bored and blas� look. It�s not easy to pretend and be so jaded.

So here I am in the office looking out at a vast expanse of (Gasp! Could it be?) sunlight. Of course tomorrow it is going to be 80 degrees and sunny, then the clouds will roll in just as the school bell rings and we are all released from our desks and thrown into the insanity that is Penn Station on a Friday afternoon in the summer. I really hope that this scenario doesn�t play out all summer long. It�s fecking maddening.

I suppose I shouldn�t complain. Last weekend was promising to be a dismal few days of travel (to Gloucester), for a wedding (in which I hate the groom), in the rain (but of course), with my best friend (who I started fighting with before I even stepped off the train from Grand Central). I arrived in New Haven at 9 PM with best friend of course no where near the train station where she had promised she�d pick me up. I had to take a cab and then search in vain for a key hidden in behind the �loose brick� in the steps. I found no such key but I did have the pleasure of disassembling her entire patio looking for it. I was also forced to dig my freshly manicured fingers into several dark, damp holes while she screeched in my cell phone that it was definitely there and I just wasn�t looking hard enough. Finally she came home and finally I was able to have the glass of wine I�d been dying for since 5 PM.

The next morning we got up at 6 AM and rolled our sleepy selves into the car for our trip to the oldest sea port on the East Coast or whatever Gloucester is. We spent the car ride bitching about the nerve of making us drive three god-damn hours to a stupid wedding that was surely going to suck and in all likelihood would not have an open bar. We were about as cynical as two single women in their thirties can get whilst heading to the wedding of their (much, much younger�so young I used to changer her diapers) friend�s wedding. Ugh. It was raining, it was grey, we got lost, my butt was numb. I passed the time taking pictures of my feet with my new digital cam (grainy artsy shots, sharp auto focus jobbies that made my pedicure look fabulous by the way, and super zoom ins where I discovered I had hair on my big toe � ack.) We finally found the hotel and my family�nephew so cute that you could just spend the day nibbling on his toes and fingers, hulk brother, sullen girlfriend, adorable precocious four year old little girl and mom. Then, like a miracle the sky opened up and down shone the sun�within seconds best friend and I had stripped down and headed out to the pool. We knew our time was fleeting�we had to catch any and all UV rays before they disappeared again for another month. There we were, one i-pod headphone apiece, while I played DJ with a mix of every one of our favorite songs since we were ten years old. We sang along at the top of our lungs to �Shoop� and �Chuck-E�s in Love� and everything in between while our only company at the pool, an old woman dressed in a sweat suit, looked on in either horror or amusement, I�m not sure.

So, wedding time. Clouds start to roll in. Put on standby black slip dress that hasn�t been dry cleaned since trip to Italy last year, don�t even attempt to tame curls resulting in Mall-rat-like big hair. Bitch. Snark. Drink warm white wine from bottle. Head to wedding with our huge entourage having added best friend�s parent�s to the mix. Crosses my mind that we might look like we�re touring with the Grateful Dead, not heading to a wedding. Then I remember that best friend is wearing navy blue business suit looking very lawyer-like and I look like a cross between J-Lo on a very bad day and Christina Aguilera in that �Soul Sister� video. Moving right along...

Arrived at wedding miraculously on time, found seats, watched the bride walk in and immediately started bawling our eyes out and clutching at each other like a bunch of old church ladies. Spent the rest of the afternoon/evening getting overly sentimental and �cheers-ing� everyone as though our life depended on it. Even got down on dance floor, best friend in biz suit doing weird Elaine from Seinfeld moves. A good time was had by all.

You see, we�re really just softies deep down inside. Eh feck�now I have to buy a stupid wedding present.

5:17 p.m. - 2003-06-09


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