kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


I thought I saw a puddy tat�I did, I did see a puddy tat�

Can someone explain to me why the �going� terminology for a female�s anatomy is �pussy�? I mean really�can someone tell me? Because I hate I mean really hate that word. I remember many, many, many years ago when we lived on that commune in Washington State and there was this boy that used to say to me in the most menacing of tones �Pussy. Pussy. Pussy.�, and it used to make me insane with anxiety and the feeling that my whole body would just curl into itself�I guess you�d call that shame? And so now, in the single world, here are all these men�and some have had the opportunity to actually see my pussy and some have not�but all feel free to refer to it as �pussy� and I want to know, is that what it�s called now a days? And if so, does it freak anyone other than myself out? I mean, personally I prefer �coochie� because �vagina� is such a mothful and really makes me want to laugh in moments when men try and use it in any kind of serious way. What has brought this all about you ask? Well, I got an email today that lovingly referred to my �pussy� and frankly I was taken aback. It�s one thing when men use it in moments of �passion�. Even then it makes my skin crawl, but it�s more forgiveable. I mean the whole purpose of amorous emails is that you have the time to edit and think out what you�re saying�so apparently this is the accepted terminology. But really the minute men say �pussy� to me I want to gnaw my arm off like an animal caught in a trap�I just want out.

It has been a rough few days. I feel like shit. I sound like shit. And it�s all hitting me like a brick wall. What kind of guy dumps his girlfriend of two years two weeks before the holidays when she has no money, no job, no place to live? What kind of man does that and then has the nerve to tell her how he will always be there for her if she needs him?! Seems a little ridiculous to me�anyone else with me here? Anyone? Anyone?

La di da. La di da.

11:25 p.m. - 2002-12-09


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