kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Things not to do on a Sunday when you're heartbroken

I woke up this morning wanting pancakes, which is odd considering my diet of late. Then I realized I really didn�t want pancakes. I wanted to be sitting in a cozy coffee shop with a huge caf� au lait mug, the Sunday Times and my boyfriend across from me.


Finally managed to leave my girlfriend�s apartment in the E. Village, grabbed a cup of coffee and the Times at the corner deli and sat in the sun in Tompkins Square park watching all the cute, artsy E. Village men walk their dogs. It was almost as good as the pancakes.

Sunday�s were always �our� day. C. and I would sleep in, cuddle, read the paper, eat whatever we wanted, wander around window shopping and holding hands, then we�d watch the Sunday HBO and crawl into bed to spoon. Dangerous things to think about.

Went on another dinner date with old boss-man last night. I drank $200 worth of wine and was as charming as is possible considering my current state of numbness.

This too shall pass�

Tonight I will go to bed sober and before 4 AM. Tomorrow I will attempt to go to the gym for the first time in two weeks.

Baby steps.

What not to do on a Sunday when you're heartbroken:

1. Don't think 2. Don't watch High Fidelity 3. Don't do your laundry and find a pair of his favorite boxers mixed in with your stuff 4. Don't take a shower to feel better and then put on said boxers 5. Don�t think about how he used to wear said boxers around the house, pulling them up super high and waltzing around telling you that this is what you were going to have to look at every night when you�re 80-years old 6. Don�t get sad when you think about the implications of that statement 7. Don't realize that you've stolen half of his socks and that now even Nike running socks make you sentimental 8. Don't listen to Joan Armatrading 9. Don't listen to Neil Young 10. Don't listen to Jackson Brown 11. Don't agonize over why the 25-year old you slept with on Wednesday night hasn't called today 12. Don�t waste too much time wondering why you even care 13. Don't even think about calling the 25-year old 14. Don't consider calling all your ex-boyfriends just to see if they�ve gotten over you yet 15. Don't try and eat a egg sandwich when you haven't eaten in two weeks 16. Don�t end up eating two bites of egg and around a cup of ketchup 17. Don�t dwell on the fact that you no longer have cable and are probably missing the best episode of the Sopranos ever made 18. Don�t wonder what he�s doing�especially considering what you�ve been doing 19. Don�t answer your cell phone when you don�t recognize he # on the caller ID and realize it�s some Wall Street suit you met at Suede on Saturday night 20. Don�t pretend that you remember who the hell he is 21. Don't think 22. Don't think 22. Don't think

La di da. La di da.

4:58 p.m. - 2001-11-24


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