kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Uptown/Downtown Girl

Here is my life�I wake up on East 8th Street in alphabet city. I stumble down the stairs and assess the damage. I slop lots of goo on my face and brush my teeth. I drink lots of water. I have a cigarette. I call my mom. I call my girlfriends. I get dressed in some bizarre form of the night before�s outfit and something that is passable for day (Converse t-shirt, bright orange cords and sky high stilettos today). I leave the apartment and go to the little coffee shop that sits below my first love�s old building. In the 80s he used to have to meet me in my cab and take me directly inside the neighborhood was so bad, there was a garbage dump next to the building�now there is a community garden. Now there�s a wonderful coffee shop that plays reggae where you could sit all day if you wanted to. I walk through the park to the 6 train with my coffee peering into all the little shops along the way. I am smacked with d�j� vu around a million times in my trek to the train. I feel like I�m living in New York again�or maybe I just feel like I�m living again.

I board the 6, transfer to the shuttle at 42nd and transfer again to the 1,9 back to the UWS where I stop and get a huge bottle of water and another pack of this time it�s 1:30 in the afternoon.Then I come up to my old office/ new �home� where I have yet to actually sleep. I check my email, I pretend to be a responsible adult. I try not to think. I talk to boss-woman and try to be as helpful as possible since she is letting me stay here for free. And I write this listen to Liz Phair and consider taking a nap.

This is my life.

Last night�s �date� was, dare I say it, �nice�. Kind of a scary thought considering how much I complained about my lecherous old boss. Then I find myself sitting across from him at Bar Pitti and since he�s no longer my boss I have to admit to the fact that maybe, just maybe I encouraged his lechery a bit while I was working for him. I have to fess up to the fact that I might have been just a little bit interested. But of course that was when I was with C. And now I�m not. Right. So�I will also admit that part of the attraction could be his 3,000 square foot loft in Tribeca, his Mercedes, his ability to speak several languages fluently, his tendancy to dress in Prada cashmere sweaters and Levis and his world traveling. Well, at least I�m honest. So any-hoo. That�s that. He wants to have a drink tomorrow night before he leaves for Florida for the holidays. Who am I to say no? Like I said�no man is safe right now. I am woman, hear me roar.

Okay, enough of that for now. I�m sure I�ve made enough enemies for one day.

La di da. La di da.

3:10 p.m. - 2002-11-22


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