kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

Read this! Come Up And See Me Sometime by Erika Krouse. I read it in one day and then lent it to Hilary who did the same. Amazing! Makes me want to lock myself in a garret sometime and write until my fingers fall off.

Have you ever heard of this? The expression �Christmas Cake� in reference to a woman who�s past the marrying age? As in spinster. As in day old bread, lumpy milk left in the fridge, a Krispy Kreme after it�s lost it�s krisp. Twice in the past week I�ve heard this reference. Once while out to dinner last Friday with Drew and his latest cupcake (definitely not past her prime and I might add, over thirty and a successful lawyer to boot) and the second time in the aforementioned book. I only refer to her as a �cupcake� because I never allow myself to get excited about any of C.�s single friend�s dates. The minute I fall in love with them they�re gone. Then I feel horrible and go through that whole��Should I call her?� �Will that be weird?� �Will she hate me in association for what the rat-bastard did or said to her?� I mean, don�t get me wrong, I love C.�s single friends. They are charming and kind and would do pretty much anything for me�but I�ve never dated any of them and that�s a whole different ball of wax. But I�ve veered from my course here��Christmas Cake� is a Japanese term. It refers to the Christmas cakes that are in every bakery in Japan prior to the holiday. Come Christmas day they�ve disappeared, no one wants them any more, they throw them all out. They can�t give them away. In Japan a twenty-five year old woman is called a �Christmas Cake�.

Nice. Right?

Any-hoo, it�s blessedly almost Friday. I�ve made it through another week of churning out meaningless press releases. Another paycheck has landed in my bank account. I have the entire weekend to spend it.

I had a pretty good week. Spent a lot of time with Hilary who has returned from her Mexico tryst still madly in love and toting an incredible Frida Kahlo mesh bag as a gift for me along with some mystical soap that when used is supposed to give me the power to dominate men. I haven�t used it yet, I�m afraid it will ruin my skin.

Ah yes, my skin. I went to the dermatologist last Saturday to treat my hivey-ness. He almost gleefully informed me that I had a very minor case of �adult acne�. Adult acne. Can you imagine? He seemed so pleased. You see if you�re lucky enough to have almost perfect skin throughout your adolescence you are almost guaranteed to get adult acne after you turn thirty. So smug, he was. If they don�t get you in the first half of your life, they�ll get you in the second. Lovely.

Hil and have gabbed over too many glasses of wine, gone to a body sculpting class, pored over Vanity Fair and wondered what it would feel like to be Reese Witherspoon and run around the reservoir ogling all the sweaty young men. It is shockingly wonderful to have a friend again. I feel almost giddy. It�s almost like being in a brand new romantic relationship�it�s so good you worry that it�s not going to last. You worry she�ll leave you for someone with more to offer. You don�t want to call too much or else you�ll seem desperate. You don�t want to crowd her, or at the same time seem too inattentive. It�s so silly. But honestly, it�s rough finding someone you honestly like hanging out with in the city. I have so many �acquaintances� but so few, in fact I�d venture to say no, true friends. Of course, our beloved Nicks is back in the rotten apple�she called me at my office this week and whispered obscenities in my ear. For a moment I honestly couldn�t figure out who it was�then I though aha! Who else? Unless C. got a sex change during his lunch break.

Went and saw �Hollywood Ending� tonight. Say what you will, I still love Woody Allen. It was no "Annie Hall" or "Manhattan", but it was pleasant none-the-less. Tea Leoni was magnificent (and had a great wardrobe of Katyone Adeli pants to boot).

I�m going to go apply my topical acne ointment now and go to bed.

La di da. La di da.

11:05 p.m. - 2002-05-09


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