kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Hubble, oh...Hubble...

Okay�I know I was supposed to let everyone in on my big �epiphany� but now I�m bored of it and �The Way We Were� is on TV, I�m hungry and PMSing, I�ve just ordered a chicken Greek salad from Chirpin� Chicken and all I want to do is melt into the couch and cry into my dinner.

Maybe, just maybe I�ll fill in all the blanks later this week�not tomorrow because I have a million meetings at work and then I have to go to a party for City Magazine at night. So Wednesday, Wednesday I�ll be back. Right now the strains of Barbara Streisand singing The Way We Were is more than my overemotional PMSing self can bear. I must go watch it�

Until then, run, don�t walk, to see �Kissing Jessica Stein�. I thought it was so smart and funny and feel good that it makes want to cry, laugh and possibly burst out into some serious feminist sing-song-ing just thinking about it. Then again, right now, just about everything makes me want to cry. That aside�it�s brilliant, in my humble opinion.

7:55 p.m. - 2002-03-18


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