kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Ethan Hawke, Frozen Yogurt and other sweetness

Took today off to relish in being, well, off. Tomorrow I head to Miami for a fun filled sales meeting. The thrills. The chills! Will try and evade my boss� pervasive lecherous maneuvers. Shouldn�t be too difficult since his wife (!!!) will be there�then again, one never knows. They have this odd �open� relationship. They don�t even reside under the same roof. Some speculate that it�s a marriage of convenience. She being the gorgeous, icy blonde Scandinavian that she is. A marriage for citizenship? Money? Both? Whatever�I will continue to believe that people fall in love and that�s why they get married. Sometimes it�s not such a great decision (when you�re high on those love fumes your vision gets kind of cloudy), but we can�t help ourselves.

Few things to say before I fly off to (not so sunny) Florida�

First, Candi�I�m so sorry about Huxley. I know how much you and Sean love your little feline children. Reminds me of when I was little. I woke up one morning to find my favorite kitty asleep under the blanket folded at the foot of my bed. When I went to pick her up she was rigid (black humor here but her little legs and arms stuck straight out like a sick cartoon caricature). In a panic I tried to perform CPR�breathing into her mouth to bring her back. This was my first real run in with death and I�ll never forget it.

Had drinks at Flute with The Feet Wednesday after work. Rather uneventful really. I feel like I�m picking off all my ex �what ifs�. Not sure that this means I�m a better person for it, or that I�m growing up, or more committed to my relationship or anything. Maybe I�ve just grown too synical. And the reality of the situation is never what you dream it up to be. I will always be convinced that The Feet is somehow the man of my dreams�but that�s just it, �of my dreams�. In reality all we really do well together is spar mentally and verbally. I�ve never even slept with the guy. And after sixteen years, I don�t imagine I ever will. That many years of foreplay and the real act of sex can only be a disappointment. Still, it was nice to see him and know that beyond all else he knows me better than most people (much to my sometimes pleasure and sometimes chagrin). Because of this, I can talk to him about things that I don�t talk to most people about, and it feels almost like free therapy. No snogging on the street corner � just conversation and home early to C. and the Grammys.

Saw Ethan Hawke pushing the older of his two genetically blessed children down the street in a stroller. The child was as cute as can be. All bundled up with one of those ridiculously adorable little animal hats on that you secretly wish you could get away with wearing past the age of three (kind of like feetsie pajamas and bunny slippers). He was explaining something to the child in that way that adults explain things to wee ones�loudly and with lots of enthusiasm, as if it is the most exciting and important thing in the world, even if the question is just �Why is that man fondling himself on the street Daddy?� Celeb sighting number two, one of the Baldwins at my gym, sweating profusely running up and down the stairs. Ah yes, the beautiful people. They�re real! Who would have thunk it?

At Crema Lita last night getting my nightly post gym frozen yogurt. The woman behind the counter was becoming increasingly frantic as the line grew and she couldn�t keep up serving the Chocolate Peanut Butter and Coffee swirl (Why do they mix these two flavors? They really don�t swirl well together, yet they always do it). A woman, desperate for her fix, loudly said �Isn�t there someone else back there to help us?� A man appeared and began trying to help. The flustered female yogurt purveyor finally said, �This man�s wife is in the hospital having their first baby. We�re going to let him go�. Cranky woman, in need of yogurt fix smiled sweetly and said, �I think that�s just lovely��but you could tell she wanted to kill someone or leap over the counter to make her own creamy concoction. I tell you, don�t ever stand in the way of a woman and her Crema Lita, it�s never a pretty sight.

La di da. La di da.

7:27 p.m. - 2002-03-01


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