kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Another day, another dollar

I haven�t written in awhile. My head may be full of crap (sometimes I feel there�s a constant narration going on in there � I�m not really living life, I�m just busy writing a big screenplay and playing the not very exciting starring role), but my ability to get any of this out on paper has been non-existent. In all honesty I tend to edit quite a bit. If anything really troubling is going on I am tempted to leave it out. Sure, body image blues and heartbreak all make the pages, but other stuff gets left behind, stored up in a big yawning file cabinet of bad karma desperately in need of organization and a good clean out. And for now, there it will stay. Partly because I�m at work right now and I�m sure Big Brother is watching, and partly because it�s a lovely spring day outside and I really can�t be bothered.

Work has been crazy, getting ready for a big meeting in Miami next week. Yes, I will be attending but how much time I�ll get to laze in the sun in a string bikini is questionable. Also questionable is whether or not I want all my co-workers to see me lazing about in a string bikini. Aren�t there lots of articles in women�s magazines about how not to dress at corporate events? I�m pretty sure string bikinis are a no-no. Then again, I really don�t care all that much.

C. and I spent all day Sunday walking around looking at apartments. While this experience was vastly different from the last time I apartment searched�Fun. and More fun., there is still a certain amount of anxiety and lust involved in the entire process. We saw apartments that made us thank our lucky stars for what we did have, and then we saw places that made us feel as though we may as well reside in a cardboard box. I mean�grown up furniture, closet space, light, outdoor gardens, artwork on the walls�who the hell are these people anyway? Here we are, a young, upwardly mobile, relatively successful couple�why the feck doesn�t our apartment look like a Pottery Barn catalog? Well�I can think of a few reasons. 1)My nasty shopping habit 2)C�s nasty shopping habit 3)Our fondness for dinners out and $12 cocktails. Yeah, that about sums it up. But damn, we look good right? And it�s not as though we�re living in squalor. Besides, more closet space simply means more clothes to buy in order to fill it up right? Right. We actually fell in love with a place that had a courtyard. A private courtyard! We could actually barbeque on something other than a George Foreman mean, lean, fat grilling machine! We could have people over for summer soir�es where I would whip up citrusy beverages while wearing Nannette Lepore�s rainbow striped sundress and my current lust object - Sigerson Morrison Audrey Hepburn flats. Er, right�sidelined by fashion fantasy. Any-hoo, suffice to say, the place was perfect for us. Only problem was we would have had to come up with loads of cash seeing as it is available NOW and not on April 1st which is the end of our current lease. We spent around ten minutes in deep anxiety trying to figure out how we could make the whole deal work�then we realized we were being ridiculous. We hoofed it home and cuddled on the couch, thankful that even though it wasn�t perfect, at least it was our home and we wouldn�t have to put ourselves into debt to stay there. Such is life. You always think what you don�t have is so much better until you�re faced with leaving it, then it starts to look pretty good again. Besides, I�m not a big fan of barbeque and I�ve never whipped up a citrusy beverage in my life.

Almost celebrity sighting of the week�Sarah Hughes� sister was in my body sculpting class at the gym tonight. Also saw Richard Dreyfus sitting next to us while watching Gosford Park the other night. He also had a neck-craning seat up front. Which just goes to show, no matter who you are if you get to the movies late, you still get a crappy seat.

8:28 p.m. - 2002-02-26


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