kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Make it a Brazilian

Friday. Under great gastrointestinal distress � counting the hours until I can make the big escape. Probably one of the only normal human beings that actually had to work this week. C. went to Killington for a big snowboard weekend with the boys. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I had around fifty nervous breakdowns. Then realized that my whole being needed the equivalent of a Brazilian bikini wax. Rrrrriiiiiiiipppp. Get rid of all that nasty fuzz inside, making me feel all miserable. Yeah. I�ll start all that next week. I am trying to pull myself together so that when C. gets home tonight, fresh from his snowboarding trip, all tan and cheerful and full of fecking joy, I can act somewhat human and not like the jealous wanker that I am. Sigh. It won�t be easy. So after work I am heading straight to the nail salon and then to the electric beach and then (theoretically) to the gym. After all that if I don�t feel mildly okay then nothing is going to help my sorry, poor attitude self. But it�s almost New Years � my favorite hypocritical little holiday. I mean really, what is the point of making all these resolutions and then waking up the next morning so hungover you can barely speak? Right away you want to break two of your resolutions by 1.) skipping the gym and 2.) eating a big, greasy breakfast. So typical � we just love to set ourselves up to fail. Hey, at least we�re consistent. Doesn�t stop me from thinking big this year though. I have a whole slew of resolutions. I figure if I stick to one of them I�m golden. I guess we can pretty much forget the �eat nothing processed� and in all likelihood the �quit smoking�. I will probably manage to follow through on the �make doctor and dentist appointments on a regular basis�, the �plan a vacation�, the �de-clutter the house i.e. throw out all my magazines�. My resolutions are always a nice potpourri of the do-able and the absolutely inconceivable, that way I�m safe.

12:01 p.m. - 2001-12-31


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