kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Into the Mystic

Into The Mystic

We were born before the wind

Also younger than the sun

Ere the bonnie boat was won as we sailed into the mystic

Hark, now hear the sailors cry

Smell the sea and feel the sky

Let your soul and spirit fly into the mystic

And when that fog horn blows I will be coming home

And when that fog horn blows I want to hear it

I don't have to fear it

I want to rock your gypsy soul

Just like way back in the days of old

Then magnificently we will float into the mystic

And when that fog horn blows you know I will be coming home

And when that fog horn whistle blows I got to hear it

I don't have to fear it

I want to rock your gypsy soul

Just like way back in the days of old

And together we will float into the mystic - Van Morrison

On August 30th at 4:20 pm, Jim passed away. He died in the best way possible, at home and spreading love and peace to everyone as he went. I am sorry I missed him. I didn�t make it home in time.

I am in a bad dream. I still haven�t woken up yet. I hear C. say to me over and over again �I thought I was going to die�. I walk down the streets and see faces of missing people on every available surface. I walk by our neighborhood firehouse every morning and the pile of flowers out front keeps growing, and the candles, and the posters. And I want to cry, but I can�t. Because it�s easier to cry for one person dead rather than thousands. You can wrap your head around one death. You can wrap your head around cancer. You can put your hands on that sadness.

5:49 p.m. - 2001-09-17


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