kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


And Something New ...

Then the new stuff �

Playing catch up. In case you missed The old stuff.

So, here it is Friday, and I�m happy to say that I am no longer �bummed� about the job search situation. Seems there are lots of jobs out there for gals who clean up well, are somewhat intelligent, and aren�t too proud to put �assistant� in front of their already meaningless title. In fact, even the dotcomedy is angling to keep me. Funny that. I am feeling quite in the pink actually. Go figure.

Last weekend was quite an experience. I like to think that I �found� myself. Although where I went I�m not entirely sure. Somewhere into the bowels of relationship land. Yeah, us gals go there a lot. It�s no fun. But anyway, I made a conscious effort to pull myself out of the weeds. C. was off in California and somewhere, under my bed amongst the mismatched socks, the shoe boxes of ex-boyfriend photos, and the dust bunnies I found my self �

Me to self: Ah! There you are! Thought we�d lost ya!

Self to me: Nope, just taking a little hiatus. Geez, you were ignoring me and I felt a little depressed. I was off in Italy having an affair with a guy named Dante. Truth be told, I was having a much better time than you. Check out my tan �

Me: Sorry, got off track for a moment. You wanna hang out again?

Self: Yeah sure, but do we have to go to yoga again? All that �ohming� makes me uncomfortable �

So, newly found, my self and I went to yoga. I learned all sorts of new poses in which I defy all logic and gravity and hold up my entire body with one arm while sticking my legs out at odd angles.

We also �

Drank a lot of wine with the gals and then went out and danced to a really terrible, Wedding singer-ish band.

Went to Coney Island with The Feet and ate Nathan�s hot dogs and almost died on the Cyclone.

Went to a street fair in Brooklyn to celebrate Bastille Day and play Patanque.

Bought a gorgeous raspberry colored, floral print vintage dress for $25.

Had a Sunday night chocolate sorbet, white wine, Sex And The City, and Six Feet Under marathon. Cried big crocodile tears over SATC.

You know, I�m a pretty fun person to hang out with � says me.

1:40 p.m. - 2001-07-20


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