kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Things We Do While Boss Woman Is Away

Thursday �

You step outside and are immediately amazed at how filthy you feel. Really fecking humid out. Course, what I choose not to remind myself is that it�s always this filthy in NY but when it�s winter and you�re freezing your ta-ta�s off you don�t notice as much. Kind of like the ever-present smell of sun roasted urine in the summer. The piss is always there � only in the winter it�s just yellow ice. Ahhhhhhh�

Okay, things are winding down, 6pm and boss-woman is out of the office. What do we do at the dotcomedy when boss woman is away? Well � mostly we complain. Sometimes we torture the dog. Sometimes we try on boss-woman�s shoes from her extensive collection of Prada and Manolo�s, Jimmy Choo�s and Marc Jacob�s. Then we complain some more. We read fashion magazines and discuss which items of clothing/accessories/beauty products we absolutely must have and will die without (but will probably never have, thus making death seem like an almost certain outcome). We mourn over how perfect the models are, and then move on to the gossip rags so we can feel better about ourselves. We are especially addicted to Hello! because those Brits are more into meaningless gossip than we are. Plus they have the most horribly cheesy photo spreads ever. The one with Celine D. and her newborn baby was by far our favorite as of late. Then we invariably mention that so-and-so is in so need of a stylist, or that Mariah Carey is just hopeless, or that Stella M. has incredible breasts and the most amazing sense of style, and oh how we love Helena Christenson! Then we think about what we can eat. Then we call the deli and order ice-coffees and blow pops (no grape please). Then we try and find a CD that we haven�t listened to a gadzillion times. Then we complain about boss-woman�s unexplainably bad taste in music. Then we play something really loud and sing along. Sometimes we even dance if so inspired. Hilary plays a mean air-guitar and I put Rene�s name into every song I sing. Eventually we�ve exhausted all our options and we turn back to our computers bleary eyed and counting the minutes until it�s over (35 by the way).

This is my week so far �

Monday gym and night at C.�s felt the �luff�.

Tuesday night � gym and drinks with D. at Prohibition. Roommate feeling that her friend has died (that friend being me). She has been exceptionally pissy lately. We catch up on everything � her single nights out, my beach weekends with C., jobs, Carrie�s outfits on SATC (love that whole 1950s prom dress thing she had going on last episode), my relationship, and so on. After two glasses of wine we are in love again. Wouldn�t it be nice if relationships with men were that easy? Feh.

Wednesday � gym in the morning (Abs, Thighs, and Gossip class). Laundry with roomies. Spend evening picking at a hangnail and watching SATC and Six Feet Under re-runs because I�m annoyed with C. and don�t want to go out with roomies to glom free drinks off of my ex, formerly referred to as The Investment Banker. Plus, I�m slightly pissy about C. and his best girl/friend (as in a girl that is a friend in no romantic way) because she had a birthday dinner last night and I was not invited. I didn�t make a big hissy issue about it. But still, my feelings were a little hurt. So, in the interest of keeping the peace, when he called last night at midnight after the B-day festivities (first my cell then my home #) I didn�t answer either because I knew I had nothing nice or constructive to say and that I would regret my general crappiness in the morning. Good thinking huh?

11:37 a.m. - 2001-06-15


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