kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary



From Mom's journal October 17, 1970:

First frost of the year up here was the night ... the stars were out and everything was crystally ... a long quiet night ... playing cards ... sunrise ... beautiful fall day of red leaves ... Stuart there always encouraging me ... as the pressures and pain increased ... And finally the race to the delivery room, the flood of relief and relaxation which overcame me, then renewed my strength 200-fold ... the culmination of years of learning, forgetting, pain and joy .. a new beginning. And warm and wet she emerges ... Stuart looks "It's a boy!" dr. Bailey says, "No, it's a girl!: And there is Caedlighe Odile, thrust forward into this ... world from 9 months of rocking warm darkness with my heart beating constantly in the background.

So, today is it, I am thirty. Feel good. Feel fine. Feel happy. Went for a walk during lunch and looked around the city - a goregous Fall day. This city, my city. And I feel like I am home, and that everything is coming together in the right way even though sometimes it hurts or seems painful or tedious. So here I am, ready to take on the world - or at least New York, or at least the East Village. And nothing is perfect, and I am still doubtful and scared a lot of the time. But one thing I am very sure of is that I am glad to be alive and here to experience it all, which is something I could not always say.

More later ( I still have to write about black Wednesday)... must prep for the evening to come.


18:52:16 - 2000-10-05


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