kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


This single stuff sure is fun (gah!)

Monday. In a hellish mood. Why? Hmmm...let's see:

1. It's Monday ... isn't that enough of a fecking reason?!!?

2. I MUST be PMSing because all I want to eat is chocolate... today I have eaten: a chocolate chip cookie dough MetRx bar, german chocolate cake coffee, a chocolate chip cookie, frozen yogurt with chocolate sprinkles, a banana (oooh, something resembling real food), two Stella D'oro chocolate biscuit cookies ... What the hell is wrong with me? What's for dinner? Chocolate sauce? Chocolate covered something or other? Puleez!

3. I have to go to the gym (see above dietary list) and I am tired and cranky.

4. I have NO plans for the weekend. I am not going to get to go to Blue Water Grill with Michael as planned (cuz I dumped him - dummy).

5. I have passes to this cool sounding movie tomorrow night and I have no one to go with. Deanna is out of town, the roommate has a bartending class, and did I mention I dumped Michael. Shit. Shit. Shit. This is no fun. Isn't this single thing supposed to be fun?

6. I feel fat (see above dietary disaster).

7. I need a vacation.

8. I am poor - because I dumped Michael and now I have to pay for all my food and drinks. This is pathetic, I know.

Sigh. Okay, chin up little camper. At least squirrels aren't stealing my panties (see Nicks entry today). Although at this point I am depressed by the thought that NO ONE will be in my panties for quite some time and maybe a vermin is better than nothing. So I will go to the movie alone (I am my father's daughter, I can do this). I actually enjoy it. I am just feeling sorry for myself. Listening to Ani D. getting all riled up and angry and sad and bitter and weepy. Mom says to enjoy my singlehood because it probably won't last long - yeah but, what does she know? Maybe my luck has run out. Maybe the well has run dry. Maybe I am past my prime. Maybe I just dumped one of the most eligible bachelors in NY and now I am screwed. And then there is Industrial boy still walking around and annoying me because I can't have him. I can't have him. I can't have him. Slept like a baby last night feeling all cozy and secure in my aloneness (this was after I listened to that weepy Bob Dylan song from the High Fidelity soundtrack around 50 times). Tonight is going to suck even more. Must stay away from the CD collection. Should probably stay at the gym until midnight so I can just go home and collapse from exhaustion and not be near a phone (damn cellular devil still exists - the agony of knowing that there is NO ONE calling you at all times. At least BC (before cellular) one could always fool themselves in to thinking someone was leaving messages for them at home while they were out). Devil. Fudge. Yuck.

18:45:09 - 2000-08-21


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