kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Pink Moon ... yeah, yeah, yeah so what?

Okay, I am worried that I am very, very close to going in to a hormone induced rage (or a crying jag-whichever). Now I KNOW what all my dear, lovely friends will say ... I have so much to offer: I am smart, I am beautiful, I am funny, I am fun to be with, I can pull together an outfit like no-one's business ... they would also say a lot of less flattering things, but we're trying to be nice here. I do pre-empt every date I go on by saying that I am a pain in the ass - hey, no false advertising here folks. I am a serial dater. I need therapy. Or, as my wonderful friend Jonathan says, I need to have my ass kicked (not in the literal sense) but by love so to speak. In other words - I need(ed) a good dose of rejection. Well, allrighty then, got it. Thanks Jonathan for jinxing me. You prophetic little fuck. So, Nick insists that my Knight in Shining Armor is out there. (of course she would say that after the weekend she just had). I am sure he is. Of course the day I run in to him I will probably be wearing my pajama bottoms, a filthy t-shirt and flip-flops. My hair will be piled on top of my head in my famous top knot, rat's nest look. I will probably be hung over and stinking of booze and dead brain cells. The circles under my eyes will reach way down to my cheek bones ... He will probably accidentaly bump in to me on the subway and I will holler some explititve at him - he will then wonder who the flaming she-devil-bitch is and never glance at me again. Or maybe not ... one never knows.

But hearing about Nick's weekend gives me faith in three things:

1. There are still some good men out there (Saints even)

2. Two people really can have a great, mind and body numbing time together (and that aint no lie).

3. There is NOTHING, NOTHING like discovering a person for the first time (and damn is it ever FUN)

So I am happy, happy for everyone who is happy and running naked through the surf and jumping on beds and all that other fun stuff. Hey, I have been to Ogunquit before, in fact it is where Tony first told me he loved me ... must be something in that thar water. Any-hoo ... my love life is a big fucking mess. But ask anyone and they will be sure to tell you that I am not entirely fault free in this situation. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know, I know.

But ... I have to run so I will be very brief here and will try to write more on the weekend. D. is timing me and I only have five minutes left before we make our office escape (Friday whew!). Going to get our nails done. Tonight we are having girls night. Going to see a friend's band - Faith at Mercury Lounge. Then out to paint the town red and find a new breed of man (basically one we aren't angry at or bored to tears by). Saturday I believe I am having dinner with Michael and maybe seeing Lizzie and that crew. Samara just returned from Israel (in love with one of the Archeology digs professors I believe).

Gotta go, D. is heading this way. I was in a terrible mood until I started listening to disco on my headphones and picturing a big Cosmopolitan ... weekend and I am not deathly ill. Oh joy.


18:44:41 - 2000-08-11


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