kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


Sooner or later the shit will hit the fan

Ah shit - I am tired of listening to myself talk (or write) - whatever. The big news today?

1. Sex and the City is filming right outside my office all day today. I may have to throw myself at the feet of SJP's Manolo clad feet and beg for advice for the lovelorn and tired (that would be me). SJP is the cutest little thing. She used to live in my building and she is so tiny I could squash her like a grape. Life is so unfair.

2. I find out about my raise today ... I have been hearing this for days, but today REALLY is the day. I will either be elated or want to kill myself - I'll keep you posted.

That's it ... how dull. You see everyone ... my life is not so very, very. Waiting for all my love interests to enter the office so I can torture myself even further. I just ate a mixed berry scone and had an ice coffee the size of my head. I don't mean to sound indelicate but ... I haven't gone to the bathroom for days ... waiting for something, anything to work. The cigarette and coffee thing usually kicks in, but no such luck this week. My belly is distended and rock hard. This is v. unpleasant. Thinking it is because with all this stress I haven't been able to eat much. Hmmm... ya think? This isn't brain surgery here now is it? My lazy ass is going to the gym today. Not pleased with the shape (ahem) of things.

10:02:39 - 2000-07-11


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