kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


The search for the perfect lid

Wednesday - hump day. No, don't get any filthy ideas in your little heads. This simply means that we are over the hump and the week is half over. I am feeling my typical morning self - nautious and tired. No, this doesn't mean pregnancy, it simply means that two HUGE cups of coffee on an empty stomach is not adviseable.

Here is what is new and (not very) exciting:

1. Going to look at a cheap apartment on 30th and 3rd tonight. Of course, if I get it I will have to pay rent in two places for a month. Ah! The injustice of it all. But after nearly meeting my maker walking home from the train on Sunday night, I may have to think of a way to finagle this. I feel extremley inadequate asking my parents for money, (yet again) but I may be forced to do just that. Of course, I think the pockets may have run dry. Am I not an adult? Can I not manage things on my own? I know now that they will tell me that if I stopped loving my shoes so much (i.e. shopping) I wouldn't be in this situation. Now I feel like a bad person. My shoes have turned on me and left a bitter taste in my mouth. (Now Nicks, you can harrange me all you want for my silly love of footwear. You can rub it in at dinner on Saturday night.) Oh, by the way, I was resourceful and fixed them myself.

2. Had dinner with Loose last night at Time. Was lovely aside from the kiss up waiter. He spent a full twenty minutes schmoozing with the table next to us while Loose and I (none to patiently) waited for our check. What was he talking about you ask? Food. (apparantley he is the only waiter in NY who is not also an ACTOR, he is a CHEF instead) Black bean salsa and poached salmon, cornmeal encrusted snapper, cuban seasoning.......snore.

3. Was supposed to have the "talk" with boss-man today. He has decided that he isn't coming in today however, so I will have to wait until tomorrow. What is one more day when I am about to hit career greatness? Loose has told me to watch my Ps & Qs and take the higher road. So I won't bitch about how aggravating this putting off thing is. Nuff said.

4. Have a date tonight. With investment banker. One way to save money in NYC, become a serial dater. I am not even sure why I am going on this date. I think it is just fear of getting overly involved with Copywriter. I am extremley reluctant to fall in to another serious relationship. I always fall in love too easily (Oh, there is a surprise Loose would say). Then I fall out of love too easily (another surprise). Which leads me to believe it is not love at all but just a hurry to get something that I think I need, but which I really don't. Women hurrying to get married, only to end up extremley envious of their single friends......Being single does have it's moments. But so does having someone to come home to every night. I seem to have inherited traits from both of my parents. So, like my Dad, I believe in and relish true love. I am convinced it CAN happen. Like my Mom, I am cynical and worry that no one will really, truly love me - and if they did, I would get restless and bored. Of course, my Mom has managed to find a great relationship (and I truly believe this). What was it that someone said to me the other day? "There is a lid for every pot". I guess so, as long as we are seeking a lid and not simply making do with plates during the interim cuz we can't find any lids.

11:50:05 - 2000-05-17


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