kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


frolicking in the grass

I have hit the so called wall and can no longer think. All I see swooshing through my head is the glass of wine I will have with Lucille (at Phebe's - hae to stop going there). Going to Italian tonight at La Focaccia (yum - more wine, good RED wine). Ooooooooh.

Exciting things in the past 24 hours (well, not really) but of mild interest to myself and anyone else who takes the time to read this page.

1. Had another Liev Schreiber sighting last night on my way to the gym. This is how I KNOW it is true love and not just a passing fancy....he was wearing this GOD-AWFUL outfit a sweat suit - as in matching navy blue shirt and pants and a baseball cap. He was looking a little well....beefy. He was walking with a friend and I had a look of shock on my face, coupled with extreme lust. I am not exactly sure what this looks like, but I am sure it isn't pretty. His friend proceeded to laugh at me and he proceeded to ignore me. I was (of course) not looking my best. Had my hair pulled back in to this kind of top knot thing exploding on the top of my head. Made me look as if I had just had a bad face lift, then some sort of animal had decided to nest on my scalp (ugh). I will never win.

2. Went to Swifty's for drinks with co-workers. Love these creative types but is it neccesary to sample all the condiments at the table (including crushed red pepper) out of the palm of one's hand with only beer to wash it down with? I think not. Our waitress had a major personality problem and did her best to make the event entirely unpleasant for all involved. Of course, maybe she was just angry about having to refill all the condiment bottles.

3. Preparing for the big Revlon Run/walk. How you ask? Well, I have been smoking too much, not getting any sleep, and whetting my whistle with vodka tonics. Not exactly a traditional training schedule....but it seems to work for me.

4. My big work project for this week was v. exciting. Sent on a last minute mission to find wheatgrass in order to decorate the receptionist's desk here at the agency and give that proper edgy, eco-cool look. Went dashing madly down to the Chelsea garden place where I was robbed blind (well, not me PERSONALLY) but walked away with two trays of fluffy wheat grass. This afternoon we gave the grass a haircut, it was looking a little bushy. But the results were somewhat uneven - chop here, step back, observe, see uneven patch, chop more....had to stop before there was no wheat grass left at all, thus being a TOTAL waste of money. Smelled heavenly though, like spring. We all sniffed deeply and imagined we were frolicking in a freshly mowed field..........but we were not. Haven't seen grass in a VERY long time.

Good weekend....Ta.

14:25:08 - 2000-04-28


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