kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


a home with toilet paper is a good home...

3:30 - my desk is starting to suck me in. In the old days I could be spurred on by the fact that I could leave in an hour and a half. Now I just have a vast expanse of time stretched before me. I have to say that I was very good today. Worked my little tail off with Friday gleaming in the distance like a mirage.....I realize that I CAN do this job. And part of me DOES want to if only to prove to myself that I am not a failure. I had a good time with Lucille last night, we met at Time and had wine (well, I had wine and she had Amstel). By the time I had smoked my fourth cigarette down to a nub I was feeling better. Lucille and her logic calmed me. I felt like I was seeing a life coach - she whipped me in to shape. We worked out a budget (eegads), a schedule (gym in the AM now so I have more time at night and can stay later at work - rising at 5:30AM is going to be torturous), goals - get something published, get my resume in gear in case the unthinkable happens, and so on.....I left feeling so much better (and a little drunk too).

Got home and my roommate had remembered to buy toilet paper - things definitely on an upswing here (we once went weeks using old napkins and paper towel scraps). Jon called and he came over. It was a useless endeavor on his part. Got my stuff back. I still care for him but I am so tired of his constant wishy-washy-ness. The truth is he has no clue what he wants (a feeling I am familiar with but don't necessarily want to sleep with). So we part friends - again.

Busy weekend ahead...don't know why I see Friday night through Sunday as relaxing ( I run around like a crazy person) but I guess it is on my own time which makes it exceedingly more enjoyable. Plans.....Friday night date (copywriter), Saturday coffee with Nix and Candi (re-do resume and discuss Candi's upcoming boob job - exciting stuff), Saturday afternoon (salads at 535 and discuss her movie project - will try not to fall to my knees and beg her for the apartment back), Saturday night date (investment banker). Sunday - collapse, then drag myself to the Laundromat and to my computer to hopefully write something brilliant which will make me famous so I never have to work for the man ever again...


13:35:02 - 2000-04-27


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