kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary



Payday. Enough to make anyone feel happy (for three days until I realize how quickly it dissapears, I did PAY MY BILLS after all). Still, standing in line at the post office to buy stamps I felt very pleased with myself. Sent my money in to do the Revlon Run/Walk on May 6th, so there is no getting out of it now. Besides, I keep thinking of how great I will feel, thinking of Grandma all the way as I try not to cough up a lung from my nasty little smoking habit. Netha would be proud. I am a goddess, what can I say? Well, not really, but I will feel like one after I do the run. It's only a 5K anyway, I can do that half asleep and hungover - I know this because I did it once (and came in first). Sure, my competition was a bunch of computer geeks at a conference who had no business exercising. Also, at the time I was drinking a bottle of wine a night as a light snack, so it was no big thing. I was hung over for eight months in a row (thank you Jason). But that is another story. I still felt proud of myself.

On to other stuff�

We will be celebrating transitions for all the gals this week. Tonight we go to live bait to congratulate Chrissie on the her D-vorce becoming final. Great, my friends are already getting divorced and I can't get a date (that's a lie - but still). Congrats my Queenie Abatello. Live Bait. The scene of the crime, where I met Jon. Seems like ages ago. Why didn't anyone ever tell me not to date a bartender? Oh, I'm sorry, an ACTOR. Wait�everyone did. But in the overall scheme of things Jon is the most faithful bartender I have ever met. I'd like to say he was the first barkeep I ever had a fling with - but that would be a blatant lie. How could I forget Extreme Dave? Well, easily, but he still lingers in my brain like a stubborn cancer cell or something. Okay, enough about bartenders�.

Friday I will celebrate the fact that it is the end of the week - therefore transitioning into the weekend. Typical weekend, I make a mile long list of all the responsible things I will accomplish (you know, laundry, cleaning out my closet, going to the gym, painting darling Nichole's chairs, actually buying groceries - or maybe just coffee and soy milk). Come Sunday I have a mini breakdown as I am wading knee deep through my laundry with nothing to eat in the house trying to find my running shoes so I can go for a run.

Saturday Liz and I are going out to celebrate her newfound freedom. She has left her job in the glamorous world of art handling. What does an art handler do - well, it is really quite simple, she HANDLES ART. And no Art is not the name of her boss or anything sick and innapropriate like that. will miss her dearly I am sure as she moves on continuing her quest for a job that pays her more money in which she doesn't have to work nearly as much. I am sure she will have no problem doing this. Snark! We are going to the Library (not the one in which you check out books). But my old time favorite bar where the drinks are cheap and strong. Just like old times, just Liz and I. Before the bitch had the nerve to fall in love with some artsy fart who likes to run around the apartment naked. We will not go in to the trauma all this has caused me. Yes, this naked freak is the reason I am willing, no panting to pick up an apartment with or without a bathroom sink. But as my father said, bathroom sinks are way overrated, and I never use the kitchen to actually cook in anyway.

My weekend in a nutshell. Still have to make it through Friday. Still have to convince myself not to go shopping. The diet, by the way, is a huge disaster. Have gone back to eating frozen yogurt for lunch every day - I may go in to sugar shock at any given moment. Had a huge slice of pizza for dinner last night (somehow I just know that is NOT in the zone). Did go to the gym, so now my aging body is hurting (my butt especially if you must know). Have that pesky sciatica thing going on. Jon insists that if I don't take time off and stop running I will cripple myself. That remains to be seen. I have to get new running shoes. Shelling out $100 for those beasts of burden always makes me very cranky. Especially when I saw this pink suede jacket for that very same price at the Gap. I know, everyone will have one, but I still want it. Must NOT go to the Gap. I even managed to avoid the stretchy shirts. Will go to H& M this weekend to experience the phenomenon. Cheap clothes! I am salivating already. Running shoes. Crap. Must think of the well-being of my poor mangled feet. Wore shoes yesterday that made the ball of my foot numb - something tells me this is not a good sign. Hmmm�.

13:21:12 - 2000-04-13


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