kiwifruit's Diaryland Diary


My so called, exciting life

This is what is happening today.

1. I started a new diet - I know this isn't terribly new and exciting. But what the hell. I am trying to zone it, which basically means I can't have my big fat bagel this morning which makes me a little cranky. But let's face it, my ass can do without the bagel, even if my mind cannot.

2. I paid all my bills (well, I wrote the checks). I haven't sent them yet cuz I need stamps and I am trying to figure out if I can get away with using the postage machine at work but I can just see myself getting fired over a few lousy 33 cent stamps. Oh how I miss my old job where I could mail out dead bodies and no one would notice.

3. Big deal at work today - pitching to a big client. Which means I was here until ungodly hours last night trying to make myself useful. Ended up making mock up coasters which only made me want to go to a bar and drink. It is a glamorous job, I know.

4. Must go to Gap and pick up bright colored stretchy shirts that are FINALLY on sale (we all know to NEVER pay full price at the Gap right? - they mark down the merch on Thursdays).

5. Got a lead on an apartment in Williamsburg, which is fast becoming the "hip" place to be and it is still affordable - which will change in a matter of moments once everyone moves there in order to be hip. There is no bathroom sink - which for most people would be a big problem, but this is New York, and we are willing to overlook such would be neccesities. I would live in a hole in the wall if I could even find one of those.

6. Going to kick-boxing tonight. Tried to quit smoking but that lasted around five seconds, then I decided with all this other "good" stuff I am doing - paying bills, eating in the zone and all, I shouldn't push it. My body and mind will go into some kind of shock if I try to do too much at once. Plus, once I am in kick boxing, ready to vomit up a lung, maybe I will change my mind about the not quitting smoking thing. Still live for the day that I see L. Schrieber at the gym again. Maybe this time I will manage to do more than drool all over myself and almost fall off the treadmill. Probably not, but I can dream, can't I?

7. Actually look half way decent today. Meaning I am not wearing a baggy sweater and horrendous jeans. Waiting for the cute New Zealand designer to notice so I can tell him what an ass I think he is for not realizing there is more to a woman than just the outward appearance. Then I can make him feel really small, then he will hate me forever. Well - a girl can dream can't she?

Back to work��

08:39:14 - 2000-04-12


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